martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009

Up to date.

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(excuse the messy floor, my 2 year-old niece came to visit)

After an unexpected (by both you and me - i kinda saw the days gradually passing by) hiatus, i'm willing (and making one of my New Year's resolutions) to keep up with the blog the best way that i can. I got surprised/excited everytime i saw a new comment on my last post, since it's been almost two months since my last update. So thank you!

I'm proud to day that i'm done with school, until next February/March (haven't decided yet if i'm gonna take a summer class when i get back from my trip). Believe me that it was one of the most satisfying feelings to see how my and my teammate's hard work paid off. Ending this school year felt like getting this huge weight off my shoulders. Now i'm five classes away from graduating, but that's a whole different story, and i'll leave it for March-July 2010 posts.

Good news is that i'm leaving tomorrow! I seriously can't believe December 30th finally came. We've had our flight tickets since.... July, i think, which is a looooooong time to wait. So imagine how stocked i am that i'm finally leaving for my trip in less than 24 hours.

Today is packing day, which i totally suck at. I always make a list so i don't forget anything. Since comfort is my number 1 priority, i try to bring the less i can, so my vacation wardrobe reduces to strictly basics, and it usually works well because i don't like overpacking. I'll tell you how it goes this time.

H&M top; Complot jeans; Nine West shoes; F21 necklace.


Uf. Bueno, hace un poco menos de dos meses que este blog no ve una actualización. En parte porque estaba entregada totalmente a la facultad, y en otra parte porque me la pasaba durante días con la misma ropa. Nada interesante para mostrar. La mejor parte es que la facultad terminó, aunque sea por este año. Y no volveré a hablar de temas académicos hasta febrero o marzo del año que viene.

Las buenas noticias siguen llegando porque mañana me voy de viaje. Esperé como 6 meses para que llegue este día y todavía me cuesta creer que en menos de 24 voy a estar "empezando" mis vacaciones! Espero que Ezeiza no me depare alguna sorpresa...

Hoy tengo que armar la valija, cosa que no me desespera. Siempre trato de armar una lista, así no me olvido de nada, aunque trato de no llevar muchas cosas. Así que mi vestuario de vacaciones se reduce a básicos, lo cual está bien porque si te la pasas medio día en la playa o en la pileta y la otra mitad haciendo nada por ahí, tampoco como para estar super arreglado, no?

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

To the chase.

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There're some lucky pieces in my closet that i'm thankful i bought. There're times when i'm not totally convinced if i should buy a certain item or not, and there're others when i'm sold from the first minute. It's most likely that i end up wearing those pieces that i wasn't too sure about way more than the ones i fell in love instantly with. Don't know why, but there's some sort of 'rewarding' feeling when you prove yourself you give use to the things you carefully selected from a store full of clothes.

Desperate times call for desperate (or impulsive) decisions: i cut my hair a few days ago. Even though i think it's pretty obvious, there're people who didn't even noticed ha!

Paula Cahen d'Anvers top; BDG cigarette jeans; old flats from Marshall's.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009


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Pat's hair's getting so long. I like the fact that he can put it up on a ponytail :)

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The newlyweds.

Remember when i said i had three weddings in October? Well, the one that's left is one of Pat's dear good friends' wedding. It's on Friday and i'm really looking forward to it since (for the first time) i've had my whole look planned for weeks. 

Today was the civil union ceremony. They couldn't have asked for better weather. The cloud-full sky turned into the most bright and clear sky i've seen in a while.

Opposite to the wedding look, today i had no clue on what i was wearing. The other day i went shopping and bought a colorful one-shoulder top that i planned to wear today, but i ended up having second thoughts about it. The fact that i had to get ready in 15 minutes (thank you school), didn't help much, so i had to think fast. That translates in white + denim. On a side note, i was pretty pleased that my hair and make-up turned out decent even though i took care of them while Pat was driving us to the registry office.

Como quieres que te quieras shirt; Paula Cahen d'Anvers jeans; Como quieres que te quiera belt; white espadrilles. 


El viernes es el último casamiento que voy a tener en un tiempo, o por lo menos que esté avisada. Se casa un amigo de Pat, lo cual hace que la fecha sea aún más especial. Hoy fue el civil, en un registro civil de San Isidro. Algunas veces me pasa que no tengo la menor idea qué ponerme, y suelen ser en los momentos más inoportunos. Un ejemplo, fue hoy. Cuando tuve que decidir qué me iba a poner, bañarme y cambiarme en 15 minutos. En esos momentos se me congela el cerebro y sólo encuentro una respuesta: blanco y denim.

Nota de color, que tuve que terminar de maquillarme y peinarme mientras ibamos en el auto.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009


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While most people hate Sundays, there's something i really like about them. I have a ton of stuff to get done by tomorrow, so i'll be spending my Sunday working at home. So this is a 'lounging around the house' outfit. Loving the fact that the weather's getting warm by the day; means that i can take the dust off of my shorts and start wearing them again.

You can clearly see by these pictures (today's lunch) that i couldn't keep up with the detox/vegan diet for more than a week. Guilty.

Forever 21 cardigan; UO tee; Rapsodia cut-off shorts.


Este domingo va dedicado a la facultad, como varios que ya pasaron. Estos fines de semana fueron más productivos que otra cosa, y creo que van a seguir siendo así, por lo menos hasta fin de año. En estos días, nada mejor que reptar por la casa en alguna prenda cómoda.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


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It's been pouring rain since i woke up, but i'm pretty sure it began raining past midnight last night. Can't explain how much effort it took me to drag myself out of bed this morning! In days like these, all i wanna do is curl up in bed (preferably with Pat) while watching movies and eating ice-cream.

Needles to say that i regretted wearing this outfit the minute i left the house. Some days i don't end up feeling 100% sure about what i chose to put on in the morning; and start thinking of an outfit that would have suited that day better. Weird, i know. But i'm sure i'm not the only one who has experienced this.

I should have replaced the shirt for a gray soft tee, and the boots for a pair of Nikes. Today felt like one of those comfy days.

Complot shirt; BDG jeans; Paula Cahen d'Anvers boots.


Increíble lo que llovía hoy cuando me desperté. Increíble también la fuerza de voluntad que tuve que tener para salir de la cama. Pero así fue, otro día en la facultad; aunque en estos días lo único que me gustaría es acomodarme en la cama (sillón también puede ser) (ah, y en lo posible con Pat) a ver películas y tomar helado, frazada de por medio.

Fue uno de esos días donde lo que me pongo a la mañana empieza a no convercerme a medida que van pasando las horas. Me empiezo a poner incómoda, todo me pesa, etc. Por ahí exagerado para echarle toda la culpa a la ropa, y por ahí exagerado de mi parte dejar que influya tanto... pero sino no estaría acá.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

M Day.

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THE chocolate birthday cake.

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...or a third one.

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Family latest additions, my nieces: Abril — 2 years-old.

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and Maia — 19 months.

Today it was Mother's Day here in Argentina, so me and my family got together to celebrate and eat way too much food. It was also my grandma's birthday so that implied a birthday cake. Haven't seen a more chocolate-ry cake ever in my life.

I love family celebrations. I am the youngest of four kids, so i'm used to being part of a big family. And i love the fact that now it's getting bigger and bigger, with the addition of new members (which for now, are my two nieces).

It definitely feels like spring these days, especially when it's sunny. While i enjoy the warmer half of the day, i like that it's still a bit chilly when the sun sets.

I should own more flare jeans. I think the fact that i only have one pair, and wear them every once in a while, is because i have to wear them with heels. They're the type of jeans which flatter my body type, so no wonder why i love the fact that they make me look super tall.

PS. Happy Mother's Day to all moms around!

Paula Cahen d'Anvers jeans; Forever 21 top; old cardigan from a kid's store (had it for over 10 years).


Hoy fue el Día de la Madre acá en Argentina. ¿Qué mejor excusa para reunirse en familia a devorar todo lo que uno encuentre sin razón alguna? Como en toda celebración familiar, eso fue lo que hice. Me copan este tipo de reuniones. Siendo la menor de cuatro hermanos, estoy acostumbrada a ser parte de una familia que podría llamarse numerosa. Y mucho más ahora, que se va agregando nuevos integrantes.

Estos jeans me encantan. Tengo sólo un par de este estilo, aunque me gustaría tener más. No sé por qué me parecen menos casuales que otros, sobre todo en un lavado oscuro. La única razón por lo que no los uso tan seguido, es porque tengo que ponermelos con algún zapato semi-elevado, eso no me da para todos los días. Por lo menos por ahora.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Here we go again.

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It's been a week since my last post. I've been spending my days at school (like, from 8am to 6pm most of the days) working on a project that seems to have taken over my life completely. So i figured that since i don't have enough time to take my daily outfit picture (and considering the amount of things that i have to carry around, bringing my srl with me all day is out of the question), i thought i'd rely on my most-of-the-times trusty point and shoot. Documenting my everyday life and put it up on the blog could take more time, but it'd be a lot more interesting (at least i hope so) and i'm positive it'd be easier for me to keep up with.

For now, i wanted to share some pictures i took at China Town yesterday. For my Photography class i had to pick a neighborhood and take pictures that showed the area in an interesting way. So here're the ones i have for now. The mirror shot was a must do since i haven't posted my outfit in days.

Oh, i almost forgot! The detox. It was... good. Hard at times, but worth it in the end. I'm slowly incorporating the things i cut off like dairy products and meat in small portions and trying to create a healthy balanced diet. Seems to be working for now! Thanks for all the encouraging messages!

Gap shirt; Ona Saez jeans; Paula Cahen d'Anvers boots.


La semana pasada fue un lío. Días interminables en la facultad, en casas ajenas, sumergidos en cuestiones universísticas y trabajos de diseño. Por lo menos hasta diciembre, los días y las semanas van a seguir así. Este período es de esos que en el momento no sabés qué hacer porque parece que nada alcanza, pero que con el tiempo podés ver que tanto trabajo rindió sus frutos.

Con estadías en la facultad de 8 de la mañana a 6 de la tarde, el tiempo se reduce cada vez más y los momentos para sacar fotos del outfit diario se volvió nulo. Por eso, decidí empezar a documentar cuestiones aleatorias del día a día. Espero que salga y que ya no haya esperas de una semana.