sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

Country girl.

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Today we went to my boyfriend's dad's house on the countryside. It's about an hour away from where we live, but everything is really different over there. No sounds at all, beautiful and never-ending scenarios with lots of green, really peaceful and quiet. It's great to scape from the craziness of the city every once in a while. 

It ended up being ridiculously hot, so i wore nothing else but a top and a pair of shorts. 

PS. Happy weekend!


Está bueno alejarse de la ciudad a veces. Admito que no aguanto mucho lejos de la urbanización, pero creo que es bastante sano tener un lugar donde escapar cuando la locura de la ciudad te atormenta.

Complot top; Como quieres que te quiera denim shorts; Havaianas flip-flops.

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

It's a wrap.

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This wrap-thing is the best. My brother and his wife gave it to me for my birthday last year. I'm one of those 'difficult' people to shop for. I tend to take back to the store almost everything i get, but not because i don't like it, but because of the curiosity of what else i can find. Luckily, i decided to keep this. It's really versatile, because it's pretty long. Today i wore it cross on the front and tied at the back.

I cut my hair a few days ago. I used to have super long hair, it almost reached my lower back. I started to think about chopping it off a few months ago... changes aren't necessarily bad, so i went for it.  I'm still getting used to it though, i had it cut twice because i wasn't really sure about how the first cut looked.


El año pasado mi hermano y su mujer me regalaron este 'wrap-thing' para mi cumpleaños. Soy de esas personas a las que los demás categorizan como 'difícil' a la hora de regalarle algo, generalmente porque "tiene todo". Admito que el 98% de las veces que me regalan algo, voy al locar a cambiarlo o por lo menos a ver qué más hay. No porque no me guste lo que me dieron, sino porque me da muchísima curiosidad con qué otras cosas me podría encontrar. 

Akiabara wrap; Paula Cahen d'Anvers tank; Kosiuko denim shorts; Gap sandals; Forever 21 bag; random bracelets.

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Construction crew.

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I didn't get to post yesterday, so here it is.

I'm really enjoying these days, i only have a week and a half left before school starts again. I don't wanna think about what's coming up, it's gonna be pretty crazy.

Last year i was in desperate need of a pair of Doc Martens. I couldn't find them anywhere and my mom refused to bring a white pair (*sighs*) from London. I had to settle for these, which turned out to be pretty cool. They're much softer than DMs.


El año pasado reaparecieron las Doc Martens, y yo tenía que tener un par. Después de buscarlas por todos lados, estuve bastante cerca de conseguirlas. Pero no tuve tanta suerte, mi mamá se negó a traerme un par de DMs blancos con los que había estado imaginándome todo ese tiempo. 

No fue mucho problema después de que me conformé con estas de Paula. Son bastante más suaves, y terminaron siendo uno de mis pares preferidos.

Wanama dress; Paula Cahen D'Anvers boots & socks.

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

Denim affair.

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Nothing really spectacular about today's outfit, but i love comfy-looking outfits. You know when you see candid pictures of celebrities, and they look absolutely carefree and laid-back about they're wearing? I've always wanted that. To be able to trow on whatever was on the floor and walk out the door feeling like a million bucks. I admit that some days are easier to dress for that others, but i can't deny that i have one of those "i have nothing to wear" every once in a while.

When the boyfriend jeans became popular, i went to my boyfriend's house and tried on every single pair of jeans he had on the back of his closet. I ended up leaving feeling great about these. And what better for boyfriend jeans than actually  having your boyfriend being the former owner? (Ha! Really bad joke!)


Agradezco por esta tendencia. Súper cómodos y súper divertidos. Se pueden vestir más o menos, depende la ocasión. Apenas los empecé a ver por todos lados, fui a la casa de mi novio en búsqueda de alguno. Con suerte, me fui con éstos, que cumplen con todas mis expectativas.

Bf's boyfriends jeans; Forever 21 tee.

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Black city.

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"I wouldn’t get caught dead wearing... leggings as pants!". That's what i've always said. And even though i recognized that sometimes leggings can look ok, most of the times seemed like a hot mess (Lindsay Lohan comes to mind...). But it's almost up to the outfit...sometimes they look good, and sometimes they don't.

I've never even owned a pair of leggings until last month, when i finally decided to give them a try. They've grown on me, which doesn't mean i love them ...yet. 

They're super comfy, and while my behind is covered, i think i'm gonna keep wearing them. (I still have to experiment with the latex ones).


Leggings como única prenda... jamás me imaginé que iba a estar probándolas, sobre todo después de criticar sin cansancio a todo aquel individuo que se ateviera a salir de su casa en calzas (para actividad física, se hace una excepción). No sé, la verdad que después de verlas por todos lados y de muchas maneras diferentes, concluí en que un poco lo que determina si están bien usadas o no, es el conjunto en total. Pueden quedar bien, como mal.

El lado bueno es que son comodísimas. Y mientras tenga algo arriba que llegue a cubrirme, las voy a seguir usando.

Wet Seal leggings; Ay Not Dead tank; Marshall's cardigan; Target shoes.

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

Wide angle.

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As much as i love my skinny-looking jeans, i've got to admit that i don't mind trading them for these wide-legs every once in a while. They're fun, and they've got this hippie vibe that i absolutely love. 

Finally the weather's cooling down, probably it's not gonna last long, but i may trow on a little jacket just in case.

I'm off to see Slumdog Millionaire; let's hope it lives up to the hype!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


Si pudiera elegir un corte de jean, me quedaría con los skinnies. Cuando se impusieron, así de manera tan brutal, les tuve miedo. Hoy, podría llegar a decir que son casi adictivos. Cuanto más pegados, mejor. Fue así que luché hasta encontrar unos que hicieran honor a su nombre. La cosa es que por más que los ame, podría cambiarlos por estos. Son divertidos y cómodos; dejándo de lado que estilizan cualquier figura. 

Heritage 1981 top; Paula Cahen D'Anvers jeans; random cheap faux-leather jacket; Nine West shoes; Forever 21 necklace; Disney bracelet; random silver bracelets.

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

What i love.

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Today was a pretty productive day. I spent my afternoon painting a chair my mom bought for my 1-year-old niece. I think it's gonna look pretty sick when it's done. I haven't done much painting since i was a little kids and i was really into crafts.

I may come across as pretty boring with all these black & white outfits, but the thing is that i love these colors, both together and separated. 

I found these boots at Target last month and instantly wanted them. For some reason i hesitated for a while about getting them, until my boyfriend practically made me buy them. That's why i love him so much!

PS. Thank you so much to the ones that take the time to leave a little comment!


Debo parecer aburrida con toda esta ropa en blanco y negro. Pero la verdad es que me encantan estos colores, tanto juntos como separados. Son básicos, como el gris. Y es básico para cualquiera tener prendas así y combinarlas entre sí sin ningún problema. 

Estas botitas son lo más; no pude esperar a que haga frío para usarlas.

Paula Cahen D'Anvers tank; Como quieres que te quiera skirt; Target boots; Forever 21 watch, bracelet & necklace.

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009

Hot heat.

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We all love warm weather. Especially when we don't have it. It's easier to dress, everyone seems happier, there's something about it that makes everything more likable. But when it starts to get too hot, that's when the problem starts. It's been really hard dressing to beat the heat. With 90-something degrees (i bet many are envying me) it's almost impossible not to feel like you're melting. I know i'm gonna regret this at mid-July, but i so want winter to come.

Today's my dad's birthday; i'm off to celebrate with friends & family!


El clima está imposible. Todo el que esté cerca de donde estoy yo, sabrá de lo que hablo. Es difícil vestirse en días como estos, y fácil sentir cómo cada prenda que te ponés se te pega al cuerpo y empieza a derretirse. Seguramente me arrepienta de esto a mitad de año, pero creo que ya estoy lista para el invierno.

Paula Cahen D'Anvers knit dress; Rapsodia white denim skirt; old belt; Nine West shoes; Forever 21 necklaces & bracelet; old silver bracelet.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Count basic.

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I wouldn't have expected today to be as sunny as it was. Especially after yesterday's weather. 

These are some of my favorites pieces of my closet. I could wear this tank everyday. It comes in white, black & gray, and it's one of the most comfortable tops i've ever own. When i realized how perfect it was and wanted to buy a couple more, it was sold out.

I've been looking for a pair of super skinny jeans for a long time. I didn't seem to have any luck until i got my hands in these BDGs. The fit is fantastic, the wash is one of my favorites... they're almost too perfect; oh how i regret not buying an extra pair....

These shoes are one of the most impulsive buys i have on my list. They're a whole size too big, but i still had to have them.


Podría vestirme así todos los días: jeans, remera blanca, zapatos. Es tan básico y tan versátil al mismo tiempo. Podés agregarle cosas y hacer que se vea completamente diferente. Sin duda son algunas de las prendas más preciadas que tengo.

BCD jeans; Ay Not Dead tank; Nine West shoes; Forever 21 necklace.

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

Cloudy paradise.


I always hesitate about what i should wear on a rainy day. Especially when it comes to footwear. I guess i'm too worried about ruining my shoes or accidentally getting my feet wet. Other thing i realized, is that on rainy days i tend to wear darker colors, like black or grey. Other colors seem almost too bright for the weak daylight.


No sé por qué cuando llueve siento que los únicos colores que se pueden usar son negro o gris. No me gustaría pensar que el clima determina qué puedo ponerme y qué no, pero al final, es un poco así. Cuando hace frío, te abrigás más; cuando hace calor, menos y usás colores más claros; y cuando llueve, preveés que lo que tenés puesto, no se arruine si se moja. O por lo menos, eso hago yo. 

Complot dress & belt; Target shoes; Rapsodia bracelet; Forever 21 bracelet & watch.

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009





I registered this blog long ago believing i'd start it right away. Like in most cases, i didn't. I over-thought it, i wrote stuff, i erased stuff, i took pictures but didn't like them... so it never really had the opportunity to take off. Today i'm finally giving the blog-thing an opportunity. Wish me the best!

PS. Happy Valentine's Day to all! xo.


Era hora de darle uso a esto.

Forever 21 dress; Como quieres que te quiera shorts; Gap sandals.