domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

Tech geek.

Update from Pat's house.

Ok, so my Internet access connection ins't working at the moment; it hasn't been working for the past six days. I'm about to drive myself crazy. It's amazing how technology finds new ways to keep us hooked up with the latest-everything. Did you ever wondered what people did back in the days when Internet/tv/computers didn't exist? I do, all the time. And i feel really pathetic because i totally depend on these technological things. Few people doesn't, at least that's what i believe. 

The thing is that it hasn't been fixed yet. I have to wait until tomorrow (Monday) for the company people to call me and see if perhaps they can get it fixed. My dad and i already agreed that if they tell me that i'll have to wait another day, we're switching companies. 

I still took pics of the outfits i wore, so hope you don't mind the picture overload ;)

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Thursday - I've had this top for a long while, and i think i worn it only once or twice. Being used to wear all that black and white, it gets difficult to incorporate colors sometimes.

Ayres top; Como quieres que te quiera skirt; Target shoes; random bracelets.

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Friday - Love these shorts and i haven't worn them in a while. I used to live in them last summer, so i pulled them out of the closet for a little fun. It's been so hot that there's not much that i can do clothing-wise.

At night, i went to see a band play with Pat and some friends, and then went out to grab a bite and some drinks. Isn't this belt the best? It's really heavy so i have to stand super straight for the eagle buckle not to fall down.

Guess shorts; Gap tee; Keds shoes.

Paula Cahen d'Anvers dress; Nine West shoes; vintage belt.

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Saturday - We went to Pat's dad's house on the countryside again, to take advantage of the warm weather. I spent most of the day braiding Pat's hair. How awesome is that he lets me braid his hair all the time i want to? I think it's cute :)

Gap tee; Paula Cahen d'Anvers cut-off shorts; Converse hi-tops; Ray-Ban sunglasses.

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Sunday - That's today. I'm just staying at home working on school stuff; it was about time. And talk about incorporating color... ha!

Paula Cahen d'Anvers dress.


Hace más o menos seis días que mi conección a Internet no anda. Intenté con todo tipo de soluciones caseras como desenchufar el módem, desconectar el router, fijarme cuántas luces estaban prendidas... no hubo caso. Llamé a la compañía y me dijeron que mañana iban a volver a llamarme para ver si por esas casualidades podían arreglarlo, sino iba a tener que esperar unos días más. Demás está decir que si tengo que esperar un día más, me cambio de compañía.

He aquí un resumen de los últimos días :)

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009


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Yesterday i took full advantage of the fact that i had no school, and spent all day doing absolutely nothing. I cooked lunch for Pat and i, and ate it watching Across the universe. He, being a hardcore Beatles fan, was really excited about me watching it (he had already seen it the night before). It was good! Surprisingly good. Not that i was judging it before knowing what it was about, but i do was a little skeptical about it. We ended our day by going out for dinner to out favorite restaurant :)

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What we ordered: chilli cheese nachos (kind of a favorite).

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What i ordered: grilled chicken breast with barbecue sauce w/ lots of different cheeses and tomato on top and french fries.

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What he ordered: grilled chicken breast w/ smoked ham and melted cheese on top and mashed potatoes.

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Hope the pictures look as yummy as the food actually was!

Marshall's cardigan; H&M top; Paula Cahen d'Anvers cut-off shorts; Marshall's flats; Forever 21 watch; Forever 21 bracelet.


No tener que ir a la facultad/colegio en mitad de semana es lo mejor. Claro está que nunca viene mal un "fin de semana largo". Muchos lo aprovechan yéndose de viaje, pero a mi me gusta disfrutar del tiempo, cosa que en semanas 'normales' casi nunca logro. Ayer pasé el día haciendo absolutamente nada. Fui a lo de Pat, cocinamos ravioles y vimos Across de universe. Después fuimos a comer afuer (registrado en las imágenes de arriba), despidiendo el día entre risas y momentos felices.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009


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Did you ever happen to be on your way to pay the bunch of stuff you picked up at a store, when all of a sudden you see something that you've got to grab before hitting the line? It happened to me with this top. I just glanced at it, grabbed a size Small and kept my way to the cashier, without trying it on or thinking it too much.

It's really funny to see people's facial expressions when they think i'm only wearing such a short dress, without realizing i've got a pair of shorts underneath ;)

The only bad thing about it is that after a few hours of wearing it, i realized i had wrinkles all over it... darn!

Today a friend of mine told me today that the warm weather will stay until May (imagine my reaction). So much for my wishes of wearing winter wear *sigh*. Then Pat tried to comfort me saying that the weather was gonna shift from cold to hot, you know, when one day is hot, the next couple ones are cold, and so on. As far as i know, this week's highs go around the 87sF. But i can't wait to see what happens next!

YAY for no school tomorrow! :)

PS. My house is in the middle of a not-so-extreme makeover; that should explain the wall's condition.

PS2. I joined Bloglovin, so you can now Follow my blog with bloglovin'.

Forever 21 top; Como quieres que te quiera shorts; Old Navy shoes.


El viernes cuando me levanté, tuve la impresión de que no iba a hacer tanto calor. Le pifié y mal. No sólo tuve que cargar con un saco en la mano todo el día, sino que casi me derrito en mi ida y vuelta en subte. Odio cuando pasan esas cosas. Que le errás mal al clima, y elegís ropa completamente opuesta a la que deberías haber elegido. Por eso hoy, me basé en los últimos días y me aseguré que no iba a pasar tal mal momento por estar super abrigada. No me importó mucho, y me fui así.

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009

Super Sunday.

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I cut these shorts off yesterday. They just were a bit longer; not that you can see much, but they used to look like this. So it wasn't a really risky thing to do. But once i finished i started to feel like i had ruined them. I guess that's why i'm not too big on DIY. As much as i'd love to alter some of my stuff, i sometimes feel hold back because of the fear of ruining them. I've seen some amazing things around the blogsphere, that definitely got me excited about the idea of being able to do those things myself... but i never got around it.

PS. Long before i created this blog, i used to post my outfits on MySpace. I had totally forgot about it, because i hardly ever use it now. Still, i wanted to share it with you ;)

PS2. So... I joined Twitter. Bare with me!

Oversized tee; Paula Cahen d'Anvers denim shorts; old belt; Prüne shoes.


Siempre me impresioné cuando veía algún DIY en algún blog. Me fascinaba pensar que no era tan difícil hacer algo, y que yo también podía tenerlo si me lo proponía. Por razones que no se bien cuáles son, nunca llegué a hacer nada. Creo que es porque me da miedo arruinar una prenda. Por ejemplo, ayer corté estos shorts. Para empezar ya eran shorts, así que de arriesgado no tenía mucho. Pero apenas terminé dije 'no... los arruiné'. La cosa era que no los usaba nunca, y en el peor de los casos seguirían sin ser usados. Pero ahora, después de unas horas de uso, me siento mejor y los luzco de la mejor manera posible.


I've been tagged!

What are you wearing now?

Denim shorts & tee.

What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading?

School stuff? I don't read that much...

Do you nap a lot?

When needed.

Who was the last person you hugged?

Pat, my boyfriend. 

Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?

Ay Not Dead white tank.

What's for dinner?

Not sure, i just woke up!

What was the last thing you bought?

Haven't bought an item of clothing since January... The last thing non-fashion related i bought was a Playstation game for Pat (yesterday).

What are you listening to right now?

Right now: The Fray - You Found Me 

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

The power to manage time the way i wanted to.

What is your favorite weather, and why?

Sunny and breezy.

What time do you usually get up?


What is your most challenging goal right now?

To stop being so lazy.

Say something to the person who tagged you: 

The lovely electric feel from Electric Feel (duh!). You have an awesome blog, it's full of inspirational pictures. Thank you or tagging me! 

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?

Somewhere in NYC.

Favorite vacation spot?

Sunny Isles - Miami.

What is your favorite item of clothing?


Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others:

Gap flat sandals. They're the first thing i grab when i open the closet. Oh, and the Target boots!

Name one thing you cannot live without: 

People i love.

What time is bed time?

12.00 - 1.00AM.

If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow morning, where would it be?

A cool city (NYC, London, Paris, etc).

I'm tagging:

le CHEAP c'est CHIC


Also, i was awarded by fellow Argentinean blogger Pamela from "Las Pamelas".

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This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. Check up on these writers!The rules are: This blog award should be sent to your favorite eight bloggers and they, in turn should forward to eight of their favorites. You should include the text for Proximidade (above) in your announcement blog.

I'm gonna pass it on to:

She's Dressing Up

Denise Katipunera

- tis serindipity

- trigg and trig

- Candy Hearts

- On Dressing Up

- Vanessa's Runway

- HoneyBunny in Wonderland

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009

High on.

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I'm staying at home today, at least for now. I may sound like a broken record, but the weather's been kind of unbearable these past few days. You may think that summer being over, it'd get start to get a little chilly at least... but no, so to the envy of many of you i can still walk out the door in shorts and dresses. But don't panic! Spring's officially started in your hemisphere; i can't wait to see all of your summer outfits! Even though i complain about it now, i'll definitely miss it when it's gone. Happy spring everyone!

Being the super lame person that i am, i spent most of last night watching Bromance. Lord... why do i have to fall for every reality-esque show out there!? What can i do... they're super entertaining! 

PS. For the ones who asked, i'm from Argentina :)

Complot shorts; Akiabara tank.


Por más que me queje de este calor casi insoportable que estamos teniendo estos días, se que voy a extrañarlo a mediados de agosto. Pero ahora me gustaría que empezara a hacer un poco de frío, aunque sea para poder estrenar algunas cosas que compré. Siento que la ropa de invierno tiene mucha más presencia. Ayer Pat me dijo 'No puedo esperar a que haga frío así me empiezo a vestir bien' y creo que se refería a eso. Cuando hace tanto calor uno no disfruta de lo que se pone, sólo piensa en qué me va a dar menos calor. ¿O no?

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Almost over.

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When you think of spring/summer, you think of lots of colors, right?. It's funny how i started incorporating other colors besides black and white now that summer's over. Tomorrow summer may be officially over, but i have the feeling we're gonna have a few days left to enjoy the warm weather.

So happy it's almost Friday. I'm planning on getting some school stuff done this weekend so i wouldn't feel super stressed over the week. Good news is that on Tuesday i don't have school! Yay!

Ayres jacket; Heritage 1981 top; Paula Cahen d'Anvers shorts; Gap sandals.


Qué copado que mañana sea viernes. Este fin de semana tengo planeado dedicarme a hacer cosas de la facultad para no terminar frenética durante la próxima semana. ¡Y qué bueno que el martes sea feriado!

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Blue crush.

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Yesterday & today.

As much as i love black and white, and could wear them almost every day, blue could be my second/third option. I realized that if i had my closet orginazided by color, the 'blue section' and it wouldn't be so little. I guess the best thing about it, is that i find it really neutral, so it can go with lots of different colors. Once colder weather comes, you'll se me wearing lots of it, that's for sure.

Except for the boots, i've had everything i'm wearing here for years. I love buying new stuff and i how it makes me feel great when i wear them for the first couple of times; but it's also a great feeling to keep reinventing and re-falling in love with something you've had for a long time.

Paula Cahen d'Anvers jacket; Ayres dress; Target boots (I'm pretty much abusing these).

Wanama shirt; Paula Cahen d'Anvers shorts; Old Navy shoes.


Me copan los colores neutros. Blanco, negro, gris... azul. Si, lo considero color neutro porque creo que puede ser combinado con infinidad de colores; puede usarse tanto de día como de noche; en diferentes estaciones. Me di cuenta que tengo muchas prendas en ese color, y si tuviera que dividir mi ropa por color, el azul se llevaría uno de los espacios más grandes.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009


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You know those days when you wake up feeling totally tired even though you went to bed fairly early the night before? That was today for me. I felt so incredibly tired for no reason, oh AND cold (worst combination ever!). Therefore the outfit: super casual. I'll admit these kind of outfits are extremely comfortable, so i allow myself to slip into something like this when it's needed.

I remember there was a time when the only sneaker brand i wore were Converse. I had them in white, black, green, purple, blue, you name it. So it was refreshing to open the closet and see this pair, begging to come out. It's been a while since i've worn them, and they suited today's mood perfectly.

BDG jeans; Urban Outfitters tee; Akiabara cardigan; mom's navy blazer; Converse hi-tops.


Esta mañana me desperté totalmente cansada y con frío. Combinación odiosa. Tengo que admitir que me permito el factor comodidad en todos mis outfits, en algunos más que en otros. Pero en días como este, es más una necesidad que un permiso.