domingo, 12 de abril de 2009


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Last night my boyfriend took me out for a pre-birthday dinner celebration. Little did i know that it'd end up being one of the most wonderful nights ever. I knew he was up to something, but i wasn't expecting this. Between "i love yous" and "there's no coming backs" he asked me to marry him.

The whole proposal thing isn't that popular over here, so i wasn't expecting it, much less a ring. I'm not a fan of huge engagement rings either, so this one is just perfect. Simple, beautiful and meaningful. It's not that having a ring symbolizes something material that's more important than our love, but it kind of makes the commitment feel more real. I'm truly happy :)

My birthday is tomorrow, but tonight we're celebrating it over dinner. Expect lots of pics from presents and food tomorrow!

Outfit-wise i gave the shredded tee a go for the first time ever. I think it turned out good. For now i'm running around the house getting everything ready for tonight. No idea what i'm gonna wear tonight, but i'm sure i'll stick to basics. Happy Easter everyone!

PS. Thank you all for the 'get-well-soon' messages! Luckily, i'm feeling a lot better today :)

DIY shredded tee; Forever 21 shorts.


Ayer Pat me llevó a comer para pre-festejar mi cumpleaños. Sospechaba algo raro estaba pasando porque hace unas semanas que me viene queriendo confundir sobre mi regalo de cumpleaños. Nunca me imaginé que a parte de ese regalo (que todavía no tengo) iba a recibir una de las mejores propuestas que podría haberme hecho. Entre mucho amor y frases como "no hay vuelta atrás" me propuso casamiento formalmente. El mejor regalo del mundo.

29 comentarios:

Cassiopeia dijo...

Oh! How fantastic! Congratulations! :-D Beautiful ring too! The man has taste, obviously :-)

That tee is immense. Wish I had the patience to make one...

Glad you're feeling better!


Mode Junkie dijo...

congratulations! best gift ever. so excited to see you plan the wedding.

a reflecting girl dijo...

it inspires me to try out shorts myself.

Zara dijo...

Congratulations! What a beautiful ring, yet so simple and unfussy. It fits with your style perfectly :) And what a wonderful surprise from your boyfriend!


Anónimo dijo...

Congratulations! And love the shredded tee.

By the way how old are you and how long have you and your boyfriend, I mean fiance :), been together?

Diana dijo...

I am on the same boat as you, minimalistic and nothing flashy when it comes to engagement rings. This one is so you, strong and beautiful.
Congrats and Happy Easter!!

my husband's birthday is tomorrow, too! Happy Early Birthday!

stephanie dijo...

c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s!!!!
I'm soo happy for you! :)

Cannot wait to see all the pictures!!!

Happy early birthday!

congratulations once again.

and really good job on the shredding though it seem ridiculous to mention that with the great bigger news!!!!!!



Anónimo dijo...

el anillo es perfecto, a mi también me gustan discretos, por cierto la camiseta me encanta

Mimi dijo...

Congratulations! What wonderful news, and the ring is classic and beautiful. This is exciting!


Nika dijo...

The top!!!!!! I love/want the top!

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) dijo...

oooh my goodness honey!! that is so so fabulous!! congrats! i am sure it will be forever and ever...all the best for your birthday today too! how many years are you?!

hope you have something special in store and glad you are feeling better!!:)

xxx love bel

Annabel dijo...

ahh! congratulations! :D


Congratulations !!!

I remember when he proposed to me. WOW. It's a great memory to keep close. :)

Happy Easter and engagement, darling!<3


PS: Killer Raquel tee I need to make one.... I really want to. :)

Maria dijo...

Bueno beuno, pero que sorpresa! Enhorabuena!

Un beso. *

Dindi dijo...

congratulations on your engagement!

VanessasRunway dijo...

I could not be more excited & happy for you!!! Looks like we're both planning a wedding!! ;)

I completely agree about the ring! You want the marriage to last forever - who cares about the ring?! Either way it's still a beautiful ring! I love simplicity! ;)

Anónimo dijo...

Congratulations!!!!! That's so amazing for you! Happy Birthday too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you've also been tagged hahaha what timing I have!

Trisch xo

ediot dijo...

congrats darling! thats so nice! the ring is really nice. great shredded tee! have a good week now

Emelie dijo...

Awwwh congratulations!! :)

I'm really jealous of your shredded tee. I have actually started with one but I didn't come too far.

Mimi dijo...

aaaaah fantastic!! Gratz!!
Lovely ring! its so romantic!
Love your tee, very cute!!

Syed dijo...

Congratulations!!!!! Love the ring :) And happy birthday dear! Oooh and love the shredded tee.

Arielle dijo...

Awwwwe!!! That's precious, congrats! and I love your shirt :)

Femstar2000 dijo...

Congratulations!!!!! That is beyond adorable. Dammit, I go away for four days, and you go and get engaged haha

Jane dijo...

Congratulations!!!! The ring is so pretty and I love your shredded tee

Please click here to visit me at Vintage Tea!


nicole dijo...

AWHHH,that's so great & congrats! i'm so happy for you

J. dijo...

Congratulations! And happy belated birthday. :)

The tee looks great, I'm going to attempt one soon.

Lesley dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

happy for you

tis serendipity dijo...

Awww =) oh my gosh I don't know what else to say except congratulation and I'm happy you're happy. Am pretty sure the next few months will be full of exciting and unforgettable moments for you and am looking forward to hearing all about it!

(awesome shredded T!)