sábado, 4 de julio de 2009


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Last week i wrote what would be my next post, but never got to post it. I've heard that when you're not feeling good, or when something's bothering you, writing it down should help you get it all out of your chest and make you feel better. I guess that's what that post did for me. These past few days haven't been the greatest, so that's why i took a little time off the blog. Luckily, i'm done with the first school semester, and that leaves me some free time on my hands to do whatever i want with it. Obviously some of it would go into getting this blog right where it belongs.

With that said, apologies for the unexpected and unannounced hiatus.

PS. Went to see 'The proposal' today and really liked it. I'm a cheesy/love/comedy/chick flick kinda girl ;)

Ayres coat; Akiabara long-sleeve; Kill vest; Rapsodia cut-offs; Banana Republic tights; Paruolo boots.

20 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

I thought the Proposal was hilarious! The first half of the movie especially. I really like Sandra Bullock.

This outfit is fantastic. Especially like the fur vest. I think you're one of the few who can really pull it off convincingly.

Unknown dijo...

oh i like the proposal. it's hilarious LOL. Well it's good that you're back.

and i like your vest.

Frannie dijo...

I wanna see that movie! I did get to see my sister keeper, which was totally worth it. Great movie.

I love your outfit by the way, and the boots are hot to trot! :D

Happy fourth!

Gabi K. dijo...

"The proporsial" is so funny!! I love this movie:D And Ryan Reynolds are charming;)
You look great, nice vest:)

HoneyBunny dijo...

You look great dear! That fur vest is so fab!

VanessasRunway dijo...

So glad to see you back again looking fabulous as always! ;)

I'm a huge chick flick kind of girl too. I went to see the Transformers 2 - the fiance wanted to see it! But it was actually pretty good! :)

Mimi dijo...

I am glad your back! I've missed you!

But we all need a few days off here and there every once in a while.

Your comeback post is fantastic, love the outfit especially the shrug


morena dijo...

wow! perfect!

Damsels dijo...

woah love that vest
this looks is incredibly chic you look like a rockstar

LACY dijo...

You have such an effortless sense of style and this is one of my fave blogs so I decided to tag you!

you can check it out here: http://lacysmess.blogspot.com/2009/07/summers-blissful-sunday.html

joey dijo...

muy bueno el blog!!!
cine???? no esta recomendado por estos dias..

Femstar2000 dijo...

I've actually missed you =.p And The Proposal is awesome. It isn't out here yet, but I managed to see it three times last week. I freaking Love it ♥ Hope your feeling better, you look lovely as usual

TRIGG dijo...

that little shag vest is perfect! glad you're back!!

stephanie dijo...

w e l c o m e b a c k l a d y!

I was wondering how you've been. missed you!!

you look gorgeous. adore the setting and the last shot especially ;)


Unknown dijo...

omg how cool is this look! I especially love the vest, and your hairstyle is just super cute..

Ale. dijo...

Revivio el blog! Qué bueno!

Me encantó el chaleco! Te queda super bien!


Patricia Ann dijo...

Wahoo! :D

I'm really loving that added shrug vest. I like that it's cropped, it makes your outfit look a little bit more manageable that way than if it were to have been bigger. It's a nice surprise under that pea coat. :)

Brown and Cappuccino dijo...

lovely outfit... it´s cold in your country?

kiss from Portugal***


Diana dijo...

good to have you back! i love that jacket and ha, i'm such a sucker for those movies, too. the proposal was such a good, fun and clean movie!

chicshock dijo...

Lovin' the vest. It's really cool!

& I wanted to see that movie but i haven't had time!