lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009


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Took the weekend off and drove all the way to a little city near-by Buenos Aires, where i live (it's 160 km. way, to be exact). Pat's brother celebrated his wedding there because that's his (now) wife's hometown. It was great to get away from the city and take a few days to visit new places.

We had a great time. Arrived there on Friday and left on Sunday afternoon. It was super a bit colder over there and i ended up with a cold, so i didn't get to enjoy the trip 100%.

Wish i could have taken better pics of the dress i was wearing, but (typically me) we had to leave in a rush, since we were really late for the ceremony. This was the first wedding of three, so i still have two to go. Thanks to my sister in law (she saves me every time i need something to wear), i got three gorgeous dresses to wear, so my problems are solved.

On the way home, we made a stop at a little gastronomical town where we had some late lunch. I swear i must have eaten for the whole week, picture #5 is proof of that.

BDG jeans; Akiabara long-sleeve; Zara cardigan; Converse shoes.


Este sábado fue el casamiento del hermano de Pat. Como la novia es de Chivilcoy (ciudad que está a 160km. de Buenos Aires), nos tomamos el fin de semana para alejarnos de la ciudad y conocer un nuevo lugar. Aunque cuesta volver a la rutina, está bueno irse de vez en cuando y aprovechar el tiempo libre.

En este mes tengo tres casamientos, y este fue el primero. Por suerte, y para tener un problema menos, conseguí vestidos gracias a mi cuñada, que siempre me salva en estas situaciones. Me prestó tres vestidos lindísimos, y aunque este no está muy bien fotografiado, prometo ponerle más esfuerzo a los próximos dos. Pasó que tuvimos que salir casi corriendo, porque (muy típico de mi) se nos hacía tarde para llegar a la iglesia.

La verdad que la pasamos muy bien. Comimos mucho, y cuando digo mucho, digo como para toda la semana. Sino me creen, la foto #5 es fiel prueba de eso.

27 comentarios:

ediot dijo...

such a beautiful last photo. glad you had a good time-looks like it too!

Diana dijo...

I think this is the most I have seen you dressed up! I love the dress on you and you and Pat are such a good looking couple.

M dijo...

You look beautiful on that dress

Posh & Silly dijo...

sales super guapa en las fotos!!
me encantan!

Damsels dijo...

always have the best pictures :)
love what hes wearing by the way

nikky dijo...

Voy a Espana el proximo semestre para estudiar y tomar clases. Por eso, voy a leer tu "blog" en espanol...! (Es buena practica)

Great converses!

TRIGG dijo...

you guys are so cute!!
that dress is stunning on you

Unknown dijo...

photo number 5 is normal. we're all like that. Just inhale and don't ever release that breath. hihihi.

you're so pretty.i love the dress.

i can't help but get jealous of pat's hair. grrr i hate guys with luscious locks.

ediot dijo...

i hope you got to see your tvshows yesterday? which are your favourites?

Brown and Cappuccino dijo...

you look great in the black dress :)

kiss from Portugal********


missDTM dijo...

i love these outfits! it sounds like a really nice weekend away from home...

i really enjoy weddings! people are always so's nice to see the people we love be happy.


Victoria Jin dijo...

looking gorgeous in that beautiful dress!

Stephanie dijo...

sooo fun! i love getting out of the city!

you look gorgeous...always. you're so beautiful, lady :)


Cassiopeia dijo...

that dress is lovely. you two are so cute! :-D xxxc

Ari dijo...

esa panzaa!
por dios!
becho solcito!!

MILLIE dijo...

you look lovely
that dress is perfect on youX

Nana MoonDancer dijo...

love your style
also the longer blouse you wear in the first photos
it's lovely!


VanessasRunway dijo...

wow, you look so great! Love that dress! ;)

Laura Mullins dijo...

aww, sorry you got sick! your pictures definitely don't show it; you look beautiful!

p.s. last month you commented that you have three brothers-- i have three brothers too! i love them so much. in some ways, i'm a lot more comfortable around guys because of my bros. they are, however, a little bit protective... but i guess we can always use people that have our best interests in mind (:

anyway, yay for brothers! haha, i'm such a nerd, but i always feel like having brothers is a special bond. do yours live close to you?

Velo dijo...

i love ur dress =)
you look so stunning =D

Stain On My Red Shoes dijo...

it's so amazing how you could look different in any outfit you wear. the dress is something slightly different from you normally wear. and you look fantastic!!!! very poised!

Ale. dijo...

Me encantó el vestido que te pusiste para el matrimonio, por lo que he visto es totalmente diferente a lo que siempre usas y te quedó lindo!

Siempre tomas las fotos en locaciones increíbles!

Necesito unas All Star moradas...


Fashion Is Poison dijo...

great photopgrahy.

eres bellisima <3

bloo90fashion dijo...

you look pretty ;)


Unknown dijo...

O goodness, you black dress and pulled back hair is so elegant. I don't think I've ever seen you in something so frilly but you look beautiful in it.

Trendy Gourmandise dijo...

so classy

Amber dijo...

love the blouse!!!!