miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009


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Pat's hair's getting so long. I like the fact that he can put it up on a ponytail :)

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The newlyweds.

Remember when i said i had three weddings in October? Well, the one that's left is one of Pat's dear good friends' wedding. It's on Friday and i'm really looking forward to it since (for the first time) i've had my whole look planned for weeks. 

Today was the civil union ceremony. They couldn't have asked for better weather. The cloud-full sky turned into the most bright and clear sky i've seen in a while.

Opposite to the wedding look, today i had no clue on what i was wearing. The other day i went shopping and bought a colorful one-shoulder top that i planned to wear today, but i ended up having second thoughts about it. The fact that i had to get ready in 15 minutes (thank you school), didn't help much, so i had to think fast. That translates in white + denim. On a side note, i was pretty pleased that my hair and make-up turned out decent even though i took care of them while Pat was driving us to the registry office.

Como quieres que te quieras shirt; Paula Cahen d'Anvers jeans; Como quieres que te quiera belt; white espadrilles. 


El viernes es el último casamiento que voy a tener en un tiempo, o por lo menos que esté avisada. Se casa un amigo de Pat, lo cual hace que la fecha sea aún más especial. Hoy fue el civil, en un registro civil de San Isidro. Algunas veces me pasa que no tengo la menor idea qué ponerme, y suelen ser en los momentos más inoportunos. Un ejemplo, fue hoy. Cuando tuve que decidir qué me iba a poner, bañarme y cambiarme en 15 minutos. En esos momentos se me congela el cerebro y sólo encuentro una respuesta: blanco y denim.

Nota de color, que tuve que terminar de maquillarme y peinarme mientras ibamos en el auto.

16 comentarios:

jane st. clair dijo...

wow you look STUNNING. simply and beautiful. i love love this!
the little violet dress

missDTM dijo...

beautiful outfit!! and the pic of the newlyweds is just toooooo cute!

Dylana Suarez dijo...

Love your classic and clean look! You are so beautiful!

Diana dijo...

you look so great in jeans!

Brown and Cappuccino dijo...

you look amazing :)

kiss from Portugal***


nicole dijo...

the white button up looks great on you

ren dijo...

Very simple yet pretty outfit, really great !

Damsels dijo...

i get really excited when hear of weddings nowadays... lol i dunno whats gotten in to me .

those jeans were made for you .... they fit like a dream

Carlo dijo...

simply and pretty!


nikky dijo...

love the balance of blue and white!

Ale. dijo...

Sol, me gustó mucho tu look, muy sencillo y lindo! Ese modelo de jeans de queda muy bien y los detalles de la blusa me encantan.

La foto de los recién casados es super linda.

Un beso,

Kateeee dijo...




Clara Campelo dijo...

thanks dear.
i love your shirt.

Marian dijo...

gorge outfit,yummy images. hope the last wedding went well!

Flashes of Style dijo...

Gorgeous! And that last picture is so sweet :)

prashant dijo...

beautiful outfit!! and the pic of the newlyweds is just toooooo cute!

Lingerie Indulgence