jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

Le gray.

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Still wishing that autumn really felt like autumn, but it's been really warm these past few days, so transitioning from one season to another has been fairly easy. Wonder when i'll be able to wear all the jackets and coats i bought while i was in Miami, sigh.

Some time ago i realize that i feel really comfortable with basic and neutral colors, and am very afraid of color. No wonder i own so many black/white/gray pieces, and like 12 pairs of jeans. This is a clear example of why i like it in basics and neutrals. You just can't go wrong with them.

Old Navy sweater; Ay Not Dead tank; Ona Saez jeans; Nine West wedges; Forever 21 necklace and random chain; Forever 21 bracelets (this one has squared studs, mine has rounded ones).

PD. For those who asked, yes, that's my house.


Casi viernes. Me embola un poco que el otoño haya empezado oficialmente, pero que no se traduzca al clima diario. Por otro lado entiendo que no va a refrescar de un día para el otro, pero un par de grados menos ayudarían bastante, sobre todo si uno tiene que viajar en subte a eso de las 6 de la tarde.

Me di cuenta no hace mucho, que le temo al color. Me refugio en blancos, negros y grises. Neutrales y básicos. Esa es mi zona. Y está todo bien, hay poco margen para el error, y uno aún menor para la creatividad. A veces me propongo, aunque sin mucho éxito, integrar más color a mi guardarropas. Lo que tengo puesto hoy es fiel reflejo de mi preferencia por los neutros y su simpleza.

24 comentarios:

M dijo...

love the sweater, the tank, the jeans and all the accessories!!!

Anna Jane dijo...

Love the asymmetrical cut and the general slouchy yet stylish look. I have to agree that neutrals are so much easier to wear than colour. I think it's easiest to incorporate colour through wearing coloured accessories rather than wearing outlandish coloured garments. Good thing neutral beiges and nudes are hot this season then!

Love your shoes too.

- Anna Jane xxx

ediot dijo...

great sweater. want it tooo! and an nice basic outfit is essential- and this season its all about that..comfy and cool-
hope youre doing great! cant believe those feelings you have toward autumn.. ahh im seriously going nuts about being in between winter/spring.. i just want it to be spring..

hannah dijo...

i have that exact sweater in black and grey too! it is so wonderful!

hannah dijo...

i have that exact sweater in black and grey too! it is so wonderful!

Pennerad dijo...

i love these photos of you. you look very comfortable/confident. this palette suits you.

Heini dijo...

Looks so lovely! You´re really pretty :)

Nana MoonDancer dijo...

love all those accesories
they give this outfit a cooler style

Amber dijo...

Love the look!
x amber

Lily dijo...

Me encanta el outfit! Y me encanto el rojo de los labios del post pasado! te queda muy lindo.

Eliani dijo...

... aca en Perú sigo con el Sol persiguiéndome aún. El sweater está genial !!

be.aoi dijo...

Amo los básicos complementados con accesorios y este look no es la excepción

Sol dijo...

El outfit está divino, cosa que demuestra que no hay nada de malo en los neutros. Para mí es lo más chic que hay! No hay nada mejor que un buen outfit en blanco y negro (a mi me recuerda tanto a cualquier clásico de Chanel). Será por eso que sólo uso blanco, negro, gris, beiges y algún que otro azul? Sí soy adicta a los neutros y no me arrepiento!
Nota aparte: 100% de acuerdo con el calor y el subte (viajamos a la misma hora! el rush hour es mortal!)

Min Smith dijo...

Same here. Blanco, gris y negro son todo para mí. Jaja. Y lo peor es que una vez que entrás no podés salir...

Iulia Romana dijo...

Love that you are posting more often ! The chain necklace and the shoes are amazing!

Carina Joana dijo...

I loveee you necklace!!


Mode Junkie dijo...

loving the necklaces!


Move dijo...

great outfit, I love what you do with ur sweater!


missDTM dijo...

love this outfit! damn, you have some amazing jewelry...

Gio Goi shoes dijo...

Adorable outfit! I love your jewellery!

C dijo...

Great look ! the outfit whithout too much coulour but your lips red ! I like it very much.


Rose dijo...

great outfit. i love all those necklaces :)

♥ Cremitas y Maquillajes ♥ dijo...

Hey, I just feel like that about neutrals, so I add a little colour with my scarfs and pashminas.

Btw, thanks for stepping by! I bought the Guerlain highlighting brush at Perfumería Rouge in Patio Bullrich, but I guess you'll find it in any Guerlain beauty counter. Good luck with that, and keep bloggin!!


moded'amour dijo...

nice outfit, love the sweater!