jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


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While warm weather is making everyone happy in the northern hemisphere, i'm just really excited for the weather we've been having lately. It's not crazy cold, but it's been definitely allowing me to wear more than one layer.

This is what i wore yesterday. Picked up some stuff at Kiehl's and MAC. Seriously, i wasn't kidding when i said i was getting really into their products. My bank account's gonna suffer the consequences.

PS. Thanks to all who commented good things about my new hair! I'm loving it too :)

PS2. Not really sure why, but i opened a Formspring, go take a look if you're curious about something!

Forever 21 sweatshirt; American Eagle denim shirt; Clara Ibaguren sequin skirt; Forever 21 boots.


Mientras el hemisferio norte debe estar más que contento de sacar a relucir su ropa de verano, yo me conformo con poder apilar capas. El clima de esta semana fue ideal, días soleados con un aire frío que hacen disfrutar el otoño.

Esto es lo que me puse ayer. Haciendo un par de cosas por Palermo, pasé por el local de Kiehl's y de MAC. Voy a tener que empezar a contenerme porque el gusto por sus productos que mencioné en el post anterior, no era broma.

PD. Gracias a los que comentaron positivamente sobre el nuevo look!

PD2. No sé bien por qué, pero abrí una cuenta en Formspring, si tienen interés, pasen!

14 comentarios:

Patricia Ann dijo...

Oh yay, update! :)

Love your hair, it suits you so well. :)

Is that song from Ashlee Simpson? :P

Patricia Ann dijo...

Oh yay, update! :)

Love your hair, it suits you so well. :)

Is that song from Ashlee Simpson? :P

Nadia Martell dijo...

me gustan tus botas!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Your outfit is amazing- the hair is so stylish!

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) dijo...

Digging the comfy sweater and I must say again how great your bangs look!

Ma princesse de pêches dijo...

Ahhh your hair looks amazing!! Those boots are gorgeous, want them :)
xx. Peach Princess ♥

soph // and other things dijo...

Cute outfit. Loving the sequins on those boots :)

Sommes Démodé dijo...

Me encanta la combinación de camisa denim con lentejuelas!!
El flequillo te queda perfecto!
1beso desde España!!


pearlslaceandruffles dijo...

Beautiful hair! I love the boots :)


missDTM dijo...

so cute. i love this outfit. and your bangs are really adorable!

Carmen dijo...

Love the sweatshirt and the boots are amazing!


Natalia dijo...

definitely very nice hair! boots and sweater are nice too!
all the best for you sweety!


Anónimo dijo...

cute style love your shirt


Iulia Romana dijo...

Wowww,I love this photos! They remind me of WILDFOX photoshoots :)

Love the bangs and also the layering,great job,dear!