domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010


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I love the details on the shirt Pat was wearing.

On Friday night Pat and i went to see a musical/play thing called 'Confusionados'. I didn't even know where it was about, so i wasn't expecting much from it. We both ended up loving it! It talked about love, and how relationships are by performing songs from numerous artists (like the Beatles, Kiss, the Police, Bob Marley and even reenacting one of Moulin Rouge's famous scenes).

Kill vest; Complot dress; random boots.


El viernes a la noche fuimos con Pat a ver 'Confusionados' en el Velma Café, protagonizada por Germán Trippel y Flor Otero ('Rent'). No teníamos muchas expectativas, pero la verdad que nos encantó. Es una mezcla entre obra de teatro y musical, que a través de distintas canciones (con covers de los Beatles, Kiss, the Police y Bob Marley entre otros, hasta la representación de una de las escenas musicales más recordadas de Moulin Rouge), contaba de qué se trata el amor. Una lástima que la hayamos visto en su última función, porque sino la hubiera recomendado para que vayan a verla.

18 comentarios:

Miss DeltaG dijo...

fabulous pics!
love your shirt!

Melanie Montgomery dijo...

I haven't heard of that play..but anything with music from the beatles and bob marley sounds fantastic!

Nadia Martell dijo...

me encanto el chaleco, la obra parece bastante interesante.

Ale. dijo...

El chaleco está hermoso!

En Bs As siempre hay propuestas interesantes, no?

Unknown dijo...

great photos sol. I love the lights.

Unknown dijo...

great photos sol. I love the lights.

electric feel dijo...

amazing outfit, love the location!

Anónimo dijo...

perfect pix

Amber dijo...

amazing look and pictures!
x amber

Pennerad dijo...

great vest. love the whole look. also loving pat's shirt.

Anto Larre dijo...

hola hola!! gracias por pasarte por mi blog, el tuyo esta barbaro, me hago seguidora ya!

ediot dijo...

you look like a star in these shots- such a fun location to shoot at.
hope youre having a wonderful week darling

xx ediot

Anónimo dijo...

You look absolutely beautiful!

Shane Radbone dijo...

Great outfit. love it. xx

Estate Lawyers Melbourne dijo...

Even the check shirts inside looks so pretty

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) dijo...

That vest RULES!

Mimi dijo...

Sounds like it was so much fun!

I love your look, the faux fur is brilliant!


missDTM dijo...

these pics are breathtaking!