domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Black city.

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"I wouldn’t get caught dead wearing... leggings as pants!". That's what i've always said. And even though i recognized that sometimes leggings can look ok, most of the times seemed like a hot mess (Lindsay Lohan comes to mind...). But it's almost up to the outfit...sometimes they look good, and sometimes they don't.

I've never even owned a pair of leggings until last month, when i finally decided to give them a try. They've grown on me, which doesn't mean i love them ...yet. 

They're super comfy, and while my behind is covered, i think i'm gonna keep wearing them. (I still have to experiment with the latex ones).


Leggings como única prenda... jamás me imaginé que iba a estar probándolas, sobre todo después de criticar sin cansancio a todo aquel individuo que se ateviera a salir de su casa en calzas (para actividad física, se hace una excepción). No sé, la verdad que después de verlas por todos lados y de muchas maneras diferentes, concluí en que un poco lo que determina si están bien usadas o no, es el conjunto en total. Pueden quedar bien, como mal.

El lado bueno es que son comodísimas. Y mientras tenga algo arriba que llegue a cubrirme, las voy a seguir usando.

Wet Seal leggings; Ay Not Dead tank; Marshall's cardigan; Target shoes.

23 comentarios:

Lesley dijo...

Haha I use to think the same thing! I've recently changed my mind, but only in certain situations! :-)


Thank you, I'm a in a great mood due to the cooler weather we are finally having it's been in the 50's and last night even dropped down to 39ºF !! =]

I love your cardigan. Super cute and hip. Great sneakers too.

Hope all is well, SOl! x


L. dijo...

cute outfit. i have those same shoes

Elizabeth dijo...

ha! I used to believe that as well, and now I wear them about three times a week!

Very cue outfit. :-)

Trish dijo...

I love all your necklaces!!

chauss dijo...

love the jewlery you on in these pix. :)

Rylie dijo...

cool, we're tattoo twins, lol.
I like the outfit. I agree about the leggings.
I think it's weird to see people wearing them without wearing something that covers their butt.
Those people might as well wear tights like that, while their at it.
But you definably rock the tights as pants look.

essence dijo...

Me encanta como te quedan y el cardigan con los collares, ideal!
Gracias por tu comentario,

ediot dijo...

youre G O R G E O U S!
i love these pics. and the outfit. and your hair.

Jane dijo...

Great pictures. Gorgeous outfit

Please check out


we wear things dijo...

great outfit! love the necklaces

Merily dijo...

I love this cardigan SO much!

ediot dijo...

i know you'd ROCK the coral-cant wait to your next post. your blog is one of my biggest fav.
take care

Anónimo dijo...

eso me pasaba a mi tambien y ahora ya me e acostumbrado, pero solo si la parte de arriba es basante larga

Anónimo dijo...

I think you're pulling off the look perfectly! I love the layering of the necklaces--gorgeous :-)

TheMinx dijo...

I completely love your cardigan, and the layered necklaces :)

LF dijo...

just discovered your lovely blog and I must say you have fantastic style! Great layering of the necklaces as well as that awesome cardi!

//have a great night//


Delmy dijo...

Thanks for the comment! I love your cardigan. DOnt be a stranger.

katherine lou dijo...

haha i use to despise leggings as well . . till recently.
you make it work here !
and thank you for stopping by my blog !

hanna dijo...

i love this outfit! the cardigan is especially gorge! :D

Joana dijo...

Gosh, you are so stylish.
Hope you don't mind that I put your blog into my 'favs' list :)



. dijo...

i think the main thing about leggings is the length of it. i'd never caught dead wearing leggings above the kness, there's something atroscious that i find in it somehow...but i love those really long leggings that reach past the ankles, they're great. oh and love your cardigan!

Cruz dijo...

I really like that cardigan! And I think the leggings look good the way you wore them. Me gusta tu estilo! :)