sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

Country girl.

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Today we went to my boyfriend's dad's house on the countryside. It's about an hour away from where we live, but everything is really different over there. No sounds at all, beautiful and never-ending scenarios with lots of green, really peaceful and quiet. It's great to scape from the craziness of the city every once in a while. 

It ended up being ridiculously hot, so i wore nothing else but a top and a pair of shorts. 

PS. Happy weekend!


Está bueno alejarse de la ciudad a veces. Admito que no aguanto mucho lejos de la urbanización, pero creo que es bastante sano tener un lugar donde escapar cuando la locura de la ciudad te atormenta.

Complot top; Como quieres que te quiera denim shorts; Havaianas flip-flops.

21 comentarios:

filthy lust dijo...

they weren't actually aldo, they were a brand i had never heard oe before, marco gianni i think.. knock offs of aldo i'd say..

Lise dijo...

love it!

zoë dijo...

i love your blog, and this post was particularly dreamy .
cute outfit !


Abbey dijo...

Thnkyou for the lovely comment

your blog is amazing! Maybe we can link. xox

Anónimo dijo...

tienes unas fotos MUY BONITAS.
un muaa GUAPA

Unknown dijo...

hey girl!

thanks for the comment! and for dropping by.

i find your site very cool too. and you have a great style and endless legs.

are you interested in exchange links with my blog? i've linked you already. hihi. i wanna surround my blog with beautiful styin' ladies such as you.

have a great day! hope to see you around!

electric feel dijo...

wooooow what a amazing blog, you have!
your outfits are all stunning!
would love to exchange links!!!

have a nice weekend

Mai dijo...

nice blog!

Brown and Cappuccino dijo...

i think that i need some landscape like this... with green spaces and the silence of the nature :)

you look great... at this moment in Portugal the weather is a little cold so i can´t use tops or t-shirts yet



Couture Carrie dijo...

Love your top!! You look beautiful!


Gladys dijo...

very cute and preppy.
your blog is cute!


Pero qué envidia nosotros aquí todavía con abriguito y tú con mini-shorts!
Estás monísima!!!
Un beso desde España!!!

Flashes of Style dijo...

Oh this is so summery! It makes me so excited for it. :)

Anónimo dijo...

Gorgeous! Love the sandals...

HoneyBunny dijo...

You look great! I love the country too:)

Gracie dijo...

I love the pattern of your top, and just the outfit in general really :)

Mimi dijo...

Sounds like a lovely day!

Thank you for your sweet words, I really like your blog too :]


stellawantstodie dijo...

q bonitas fotos!

y la camiseta es genial!

essence dijo...

Qué bonita es esta camiseta, el look es genial, aquí aún nos queda para poder ir así!

Feliz lunes!


Syed dijo...

Ooh the top looks wonderful dear, loving the leaf print.

VanessasRunway dijo...

This is one of my faves! So simple yet cute! I want to live in that nice weather!