sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009

High on.

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I'm staying at home today, at least for now. I may sound like a broken record, but the weather's been kind of unbearable these past few days. You may think that summer being over, it'd get start to get a little chilly at least... but no, so to the envy of many of you i can still walk out the door in shorts and dresses. But don't panic! Spring's officially started in your hemisphere; i can't wait to see all of your summer outfits! Even though i complain about it now, i'll definitely miss it when it's gone. Happy spring everyone!

Being the super lame person that i am, i spent most of last night watching Bromance. Lord... why do i have to fall for every reality-esque show out there!? What can i do... they're super entertaining! 

PS. For the ones who asked, i'm from Argentina :)

Complot shorts; Akiabara tank.


Por más que me queje de este calor casi insoportable que estamos teniendo estos días, se que voy a extrañarlo a mediados de agosto. Pero ahora me gustaría que empezara a hacer un poco de frío, aunque sea para poder estrenar algunas cosas que compré. Siento que la ropa de invierno tiene mucha más presencia. Ayer Pat me dijo 'No puedo esperar a que haga frío así me empiezo a vestir bien' y creo que se refería a eso. Cuando hace tanto calor uno no disfruta de lo que se pone, sólo piensa en qué me va a dar menos calor. ¿O no?

18 comentarios:

ren dijo...

I like the simplicity of this outfit; my eyes were immediately drawn to those great shorts ! :)

Stephanie dijo...

Those shorts are great on you and this post made me laugh. The other night i watched Taking the Stage and was completely hooked lol! I really don't like reality shows though but I know what you mean when you say they can be addicting lol!

The weather here is like fall at the moment and since I adore the fall, I'm really happy :) I just so hate it when it's really hot, mostly because I have such a low tolerance of heat, but that's a story for another post lol!

I totally agree with you about Miroslava: she has a curvy figure and she just rocks it as is! It's one of the main reasons I find her style so relatable- totally inspiring for those of us who aren't mighty thin, you know.


Anónimo dijo...

Bueno por aqui la primavera solo ha empezado hoy pero aun queda mucha lluvia y frio por venir. Pero por estos dias hubo una ola de calor y pude vestir alguna que otra ropa de verano que compre en rebajas =)

Pamela dijo...

fijate mi blog!

Noelia dijo...

es tan cierto! personalmente no me gusta el verano porque solo busco lo mas simple y fresco que pueda ponerme, en cambio en invierno podes disfrutar mucho mas la ropa jaja un beso!muy lindo tu blog-

Anónimo dijo...

I'm not sure if I can pull off the high denim. It makes me look like I have a really voluptuous bottom. Plus, the boyfriend doesn't like high-waisted anything, so I'm sure it's only best if I stay away period. It looks fantastic on you though! :)

jav dijo...

contestaras consultas? yo me mando!

ando de urgencia buscando pantalones y calzado para usar a diaro en un trabajo en el centro donde todos van informales


Emz dijo...

Great high waisted shorts =)!

electric feel dijo...


more informations on my blog!

Shes Dressing Up dijo...

Lovely simple outfit!

Mimi dijo...

Lovely shorts!
Simple but stunning!

Gia dijo...

you have that flair of natural beauty:)


J. dijo...

Nice shorts, the high-waist really works for you, it makes your legs look longer.

I'm not looking forward to summer at ALL, I loathe extremely hot weather. I wish it would stay spring all the time!

ediot dijo...

you lOOk so amazing. the shorts are really great on you.

HoneyBunny dijo...

YOu look great, dear! I love the high waisted shorts:)

Can;t wait for the real spring to begin:)

Jennifer dijo...

I love this outfit! You look amazing!

Anónimo dijo...

Me encanta tu estilo! :)

tis serendipity dijo...

Ahhh oh man I totally love those high waisted shorts on you!! You're really incredible. You're able to pull off practically ALL styles =) ranging from feminine with a bit of masculine edge to casual to just plain cool. You go girl!