domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009

Super Sunday.

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I cut these shorts off yesterday. They just were a bit longer; not that you can see much, but they used to look like this. So it wasn't a really risky thing to do. But once i finished i started to feel like i had ruined them. I guess that's why i'm not too big on DIY. As much as i'd love to alter some of my stuff, i sometimes feel hold back because of the fear of ruining them. I've seen some amazing things around the blogsphere, that definitely got me excited about the idea of being able to do those things myself... but i never got around it.

PS. Long before i created this blog, i used to post my outfits on MySpace. I had totally forgot about it, because i hardly ever use it now. Still, i wanted to share it with you ;)

PS2. So... I joined Twitter. Bare with me!

Oversized tee; Paula Cahen d'Anvers denim shorts; old belt; Prüne shoes.


Siempre me impresioné cuando veía algún DIY en algún blog. Me fascinaba pensar que no era tan difícil hacer algo, y que yo también podía tenerlo si me lo proponía. Por razones que no se bien cuáles son, nunca llegué a hacer nada. Creo que es porque me da miedo arruinar una prenda. Por ejemplo, ayer corté estos shorts. Para empezar ya eran shorts, así que de arriesgado no tenía mucho. Pero apenas terminé dije 'no... los arruiné'. La cosa era que no los usaba nunca, y en el peor de los casos seguirían sin ser usados. Pero ahora, después de unas horas de uso, me siento mejor y los luzco de la mejor manera posible.


I've been tagged!

What are you wearing now?

Denim shorts & tee.

What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading?

School stuff? I don't read that much...

Do you nap a lot?

When needed.

Who was the last person you hugged?

Pat, my boyfriend. 

Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?

Ay Not Dead white tank.

What's for dinner?

Not sure, i just woke up!

What was the last thing you bought?

Haven't bought an item of clothing since January... The last thing non-fashion related i bought was a Playstation game for Pat (yesterday).

What are you listening to right now?

Right now: The Fray - You Found Me 

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

The power to manage time the way i wanted to.

What is your favorite weather, and why?

Sunny and breezy.

What time do you usually get up?


What is your most challenging goal right now?

To stop being so lazy.

Say something to the person who tagged you: 

The lovely electric feel from Electric Feel (duh!). You have an awesome blog, it's full of inspirational pictures. Thank you or tagging me! 

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?

Somewhere in NYC.

Favorite vacation spot?

Sunny Isles - Miami.

What is your favorite item of clothing?


Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others:

Gap flat sandals. They're the first thing i grab when i open the closet. Oh, and the Target boots!

Name one thing you cannot live without: 

People i love.

What time is bed time?

12.00 - 1.00AM.

If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow morning, where would it be?

A cool city (NYC, London, Paris, etc).

I'm tagging:

le CHEAP c'est CHIC


Also, i was awarded by fellow Argentinean blogger Pamela from "Las Pamelas".

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This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. Check up on these writers!The rules are: This blog award should be sent to your favorite eight bloggers and they, in turn should forward to eight of their favorites. You should include the text for Proximidade (above) in your announcement blog.

I'm gonna pass it on to:

She's Dressing Up

Denise Katipunera

- tis serindipity

- trigg and trig

- Candy Hearts

- On Dressing Up

- Vanessa's Runway

- HoneyBunny in Wonderland

29 comentarios:

ediot dijo...

great belt. in love with studs right now. and the outfit at all is really good. you make everything look good.

Lesley dijo...

love love love that belt! i need to find one like that!

ren dijo...

That is one awesome belt ! :)

First Lady of MADE dijo...

the belt, the shoes, and your gorgeous legs...fierce combo hands down!

Diana dijo...

Your shorts are cute and not at all ruined.

Also, I just did that tag haha! I will probably do it again sometime next week?

oh! I also added you on twitter if that is okay

Anónimo dijo...

ohhhhhh me he enamorado de tus zapatos, son preciosos!!! y los shorts te quedan genial
un beso guapa

Anónimo dijo...

Your heels are amazing!!

Fashion Garden dijo...

simple and fashion !! love it ! :)

Unknown dijo...

I am sooo jealous of your legs...they are a mile long.

I love the cut off with the belt.
Thanks a lot for the sweet comment Sol, that was totally my inspiration of the day. I just adore her!

Hope you had an awesome weekend.

Stephanie dijo...

I am desperately in love with a)your shoe collection and b) these shoes!!!! your the third blogger I see wearing them today alone and when I saw them at Also they only had them in the wedge style and they didn't suit my foot- that's the problem with cheap shoes sometimes, I have trouble fitting in them. anyways I just ADORE these!!!

i checked out your myspace page and your hair was soo long at one point! It looks amazing at any length, judging by the pictures!

& thanks for tagging me, lady :)


Stephanie dijo...

Ok I just realized your shoes aren't even from *Aldo (there was a typo up there along with the word *you're*)! Anyways, Aldo had the same ones.

And yay for Twitter! you'll be soon hooked! lol!



those heels!

Gahhh! :] xxx

jav dijo...

sol, que bueno que me hayas contestado
si nunca recibiste consultas, es raro, porque con todo lo que sabes podrias hasta montar un negocio de asesoria de imagen
bueno, trabajo en un estudio de arquitectura, asi que como te imaginaras nadie va "de traje" sino mas bien con su propio estilo


Anónimo dijo...

Hey chica,

It's a good idea that you cut off your shorts - it's getting warmed, it's only right to do so. And you totally didn't ruin them. Hello, look at all those DIY shorts these days with all the bleaching and the shredding and the cutting and slicing, yours look so tame compared to those. ;)

Oh, and I noticed you started following my blog. I'm flattered but unfortunately, I just moved out of blogger and into my official site: Blogger was giving me a hard time. :( I hope to see you there!

It seems like Twitter is becoming the new Facebook. I'm there too: theshapes. :)

Unknown dijo...

oh thank you for the award dear. You are so sweet. ill do mine soon.
again thanks.

btw i love the white tee and diy cut off shorts. Cute combo. and the heels added more sexiness to the whole outfit, and again that made your legs endless. hihi.

have a great day!

Katrina dijo...

A m a z i n g outfit , love these shorts and belt:)
Your answers made me giggle:)

Trendy Gourmandise dijo...

i love that outfit

Couture Carrie dijo...

Congrats on your award!

Love your outfit and your tag answers, too! Mianmi is so fun :)


Syed dijo...

I am in love with those shoes, and that belt looks fantastic! And congratulations on the award dear :)

Suzanne dijo...

I love those shoes!! seriously, they're amazing!!

Anónimo dijo...

Great job with the shorts--it looks great on you! and the shoes...hotness :-)

VanessasRunway dijo...

awe! You're so sweet thanks for the award! This outfit is one of my faves! the heels are gorgeous and go so well with the belt & shorts! This is such a sex-pot look & I love it! haha

HoneyBunny dijo...

You look amazing! You definately can pull simple outfits off! I love that belt and the shoes<3

HoneyBunny dijo...

Oh! Thank you so much for the award, hon:**** you;re the sweetest:)

Anónimo dijo...

Oh me encantan tu sapatos. *

a reflecting girl dijo...

damn, i'd like to have your legs. WOW

Mode Junkie dijo...

can i have those shoes please? and the belt is too cool.

Arielle dijo...

i lvoe you belt :)

tis serendipity dijo...

Ahhh awww thank you so much for the award!! ;) Haha thank goodness I read through all your archives or I would've missed this! Shall get down to posting about it soon. It's a great honor to get it from you, Sol, thanks. Your blog is really one of my favs.

Totally loving those Prune shoes!! I've never heard of that brand before. Is the stuff expensive?