jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Almost over.

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When you think of spring/summer, you think of lots of colors, right?. It's funny how i started incorporating other colors besides black and white now that summer's over. Tomorrow summer may be officially over, but i have the feeling we're gonna have a few days left to enjoy the warm weather.

So happy it's almost Friday. I'm planning on getting some school stuff done this weekend so i wouldn't feel super stressed over the week. Good news is that on Tuesday i don't have school! Yay!

Ayres jacket; Heritage 1981 top; Paula Cahen d'Anvers shorts; Gap sandals.


Qué copado que mañana sea viernes. Este fin de semana tengo planeado dedicarme a hacer cosas de la facultad para no terminar frenética durante la próxima semana. ¡Y qué bueno que el martes sea feriado!

24 comentarios:

ren dijo...

Oh, what a cute top ! You look quite great. :)

Trendy Gourmandise dijo...

nice top ! so nice look !

Diana dijo...

we are just getting out of Winter and Spring begins tomorrow for us!

You look lovely as usual.

Emz dijo...

I really like your top =) and I can't waittttt for warm weather haha we're just the reverse!

jules dijo...

I love you shirt!

Elizabeth Victoria Clark dijo...

you look great as always,
summer ending? thats so strange, where do you live? xo

Unknown dijo...

awwwwww. nice outfit girl. You look cooooool! the flats makes your legs endless.

have a great day!

Jhoa dijo...

I love your style

HoneyBunny dijo...

Looking fab as always!That top is gorgeous! and the shoes<3

Syed dijo...

That top looks so lovely! It's odd, but whenever the weather gets rubbishy, I always wear bright colours to make me happy :)

tis serendipity dijo...

Man I'm totally loving that jacket of yours. It adds such an edge to an otherwise 'sweet' casual daytime outfit =)
Yay for no school on tuesday!! I love it when there are random days off

VanessasRunway dijo...

I'm so happy it's finally getting nice & warm in this part of the world! Now I can rejoice in shorts, dresses & skirts just like you! Love the sandals & the top! Have a great weekend!

Mimi dijo...

You look great as always:)! I love the top!

Cassiopeia dijo...

Love the sandals. Gorgeous as usual :-D Xxxc

essence dijo...

Perfecta como siempre, tus outfits son siempre geniales,
feliz fin de semana,


Unknown dijo...

This looks perfect for a summer's day. Love the white shorts peeking out. I do associate dark colours with winter but when you pair it with white, it looks so chic for summer!

Miranda dijo...

love your shoes :)

Min Smith dijo...

Hacía rato que no pasaba así que miré todos tus últimos post. Felicitaciones querida por esa gran colección de blazers y chaquetas!

Gloria C. dijo...

Great outfit :)

Anónimo dijo...

estas genial, me da una envidia verte tan veraniega, a ver cuando llega aqui el solecito

electric feel dijo...

the sandals caught my eyes!
great match!

Goldie Locks dijo...

What an awesome outfit! I love it!!! xo

Lesley dijo...

I love that gingham top!

ediot dijo...

completely fallen in love with the top. its so cute. great find you have there