sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

Go with the flow.

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I really wanted to wear this vest, i just love the flowy-ness to it. So i worked the whole outfit towards it. I decided to give the latex leggings a try, and ended up completely sold on to them. The top was too loose for the vest so i took a little bit of the extra fabric and held it in the front with a safety pin.

I was obsessed with a pair of Aldo shoes that i couldn't have. Imagine my surprise/excitement when i walked by a local store and saw these that seemed like the perfect look-a-like. I hesitated for a while and went back home without them. Four hours later i went back to the store... i just couldn't resist!

Happy weekend; it´s my last one before school starts again!

Wet Seal latex leggings; Yagmour top; Forever 21 vest; Prüne shoes; Rapsodia bracelet; Forever 21 bracelet.


Este chaleco lo agarré a último momento antes de hacer la fila para pagar en un local. Terminó siendo perfecto y no quise esperar más para estrenarlo, así que armé el outfit en torno a él. 

Los zapatos son geniales. Estaba encantada con un par de Aldo que no podía comprar por obvias razones, por lo que me sorprendí un día al pasar por Prüne y ver que tenían unos MUY parecidos. La plataforma plateada y el taco de madera eran iguales. Me los probé y no muy convencida me fui sin ellos. No habían pasado 4 horas que ya estaba volviendo al local... no me pude resistir!

Feliz fin de semana; último antes de volver a la facultad!

31 comentarios:

Carrie Michael dijo...

I just stumbled on your blog through your post at tFS, and I LOVE it! Want to exchange links? I've already added you to mine:


xo, carrie

Stephanie dijo...

I love this outfit!!! The shoes are amazing!!!! I love them sooo much!!!! You're so lucky to own them! They completely bring the outfit up a notch.
I like how in the first picture you can see the reflection of the shoes in the hardwood floor.



I agree but there is just something about that Balmain blue that grabs me every time. Nice shoes, lady! =]


Carrie Michael dijo...

By the way, where did you get those shoes??? They're amazing!

Cassiopeia dijo...

Gorgeous outfit. so want a pair of wet look leggings... thanks for sharing! :-D Xxxc


tis serendipity dijo...

Wowww fantastic outfit! That vest is so beautiful and those heels... WOW. Remind me of a pair of aldo heels I saw once and fell in love with. The metallic bit of the heels totally goes with the latex tights look.

Hope you don't mind that I've added you to my blogroll! =) Would you like to exchange links? Thanks!

HoneyBunny dijo...

Oh my! You look gorgeous! I love everything about this outfit! Thanks for your lovely comments and adding me on flickr hon:**

Min Smith dijo...

Esos zapatos... OMG! El taco es perfecto! Cada vez que me gusta un par de zapatos de Prüne y voy a comprarlos están agotados en todos los locales...

Mimi dijo...

I loooove your shoes!!

Mimi dijo...

Love love love your shoes, and well pretty much the whole outfit!


Anónimo dijo...

The shoes are fantastic, of course you had to have them!! :)

Anónimo dijo...

El chaleco y los zapatos son geniales!!:)

Delmy dijo...

You shoes are so hot! Love the chunkiness!

Unknown dijo...

This outfit is so incredibly gorgeous and strong with the flowy layers paired with the wet-look leggings and structural shoe! I adore your blog. And you've been linked so that I can come back again soon.

Gracie dijo...

those shoes are amazing! I love the waterfall layers of your top half :)

Mode Junkie dijo...

LOVE YOU and your style. nuff said.

Emz dijo...

I love your outfit but omgosh your shoes! I want them!

chauss dijo...

those shoes are fabulous! local brand?

Miranda dijo...

i LOVEEEEE your shoes
and what you did with everything in this outfit
the safety pin did wonders
and i love the draping of the vest as well :)

Anónimo dijo...

oh how i looove your whole outfit !

mat dijo...

Loving your whole outfit. Your shoes are great and the simplicity of it all! You look great!

Fashionology dijo...

WOW wow!!! you look gorgeous! your shoes rock!!! i love them! And your bracelets are FINE! I love black and white combinations! <3


me encanta el cojunto! los zapatos increibles! :)

Unknown dijo...

Seriously gorgeous look. I adore that vest and I love the Diy you did to the flowy tank. Great outfit!!


Mimi dijo...

Love your blog!
I tagged you, hope you like it!

Anónimo dijo...

Me encanto el outfit. Los zapatos son preciosos. *

Lesley dijo...

The leggings look great! And I love those shoes! What a great find!

Riina dijo...

wow, i looove your outfit !

Chekka Cuomova dijo...

hotness!!!!!! I love your SHOES!! seriously, I'm soooo gonna raid your shoes :D

Milk It Honey dijo...

im glad you went back for them. they are beautiful. i really appreciate a wooden heel that isnt stacked.

Posh & Silly dijo...

un 10!!!!