martes, 2 de junio de 2009


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I've always heard black goes with everything, except blue and brown. Lost of people tend to agree about black and brown being a fashion don't, but i've always like the idea of a brown accessory popping out of an all-black outfit.

Today was really really cold. Well, 50F degrees as the highest temperature of the day is cold for my standards. I'm kinda loving it though, there's nothing like the smell of cold weather.

Falabella coat; Targer cardigan; Paula Cahen d'Anvers tee/dress; Marshall's leggings; Falabella socks; Paruolo boots; Forever 21 scarf.


El frío definitivamente llegó y con él, los abrigos y las bufandas. No hay nada que me guste más que el olor a invierno. Ese frío que te entra cuando respiras... es genial. 

40 comentarios:

Fashion Moment dijo...

Great outfit! I tagged you today!


TRIGG dijo...

you are just so great! i always love the way you are dressed!

Mademoiselle ♥♥ dijo...

Gorgeous outfit!

Thxx for your comment it helps!


Katia dijo...

I actually wear black with brown accesories quite often. haha :)
You look great!


I love your boots. The location is really great too. You look European chic! :)

About the cams, my husband is all over the Nikon boat haha, but I find the look and feel of a Canon to be more comfortable... we'll see.

Miami = not so great today... Talk about rain and wind, I thought I was driving in a hurricane :(

x, thanks!!



I just noticed the title, that is my Grandmother's Poodle's name ;)


Mimi dijo...

I totally agree! I think rules in fashion are meant to be broken [to some extent of course]. I love blue and black together and brown and black.

I was just thinking your boots look amazing, they give a good burst of color


Ale. dijo...

I actually like both black/dark blue & brown/black combinations!

Great oufit! Love the coat!

Diana dijo...

i love your boots! great color combo!

Unknown dijo...

honey you can never do anything wrong! youre perfect! love the look!

btw i love that scarf! wish i can wear something like that in here!

Anónimo dijo...

Love the brown boots with black leggings! I remember a few years back when I thought it was a mortal sin to wear black and brown together, but now it's one of my favorite color combinations :)

Femstar2000 dijo...

Gosh, LOADS of people I know where black with a pop of brown, like in a belt or with a bag. I've always thought it looked nice. Screw that black/brown fashion rule haha. You look nice too. I love that your pictures always have a really nice setting too, it makes your pictures even more interesting =.]

Jessica dijo...

i love the outfit! ♥
the scarf is beautiful :)

stylefrontier dijo...

thankyou dear :)
ah this is great! your boots brown colour is just perfect! ah i want that colour of boots!! ;)

Anónimo dijo...

you look awesome! i love your boots!

Damsels dijo...

no way is that true . black brown and blue can be done well together as u know .

the second shot of you is just too perfect!
We Were Damsels

Laura Mullins dijo...

I love black and brown together too! It's sophisticated, but not too serious. and I know what you mean about the smell of cold weather! It just makes me happy to be alive. and to be breathing (:

andrea dijo...

Gorgeous outfit!

Maria dijo...

Yo pongo el marron con el negro y mira, creo que queda bien. Ademas hay muchos tonos de marron y quizas las personas solo veen un tono con el negro y no les gusta. Asi que tienes todo mi apoyo =P

a reflecting girl dijo...

i guess black and brown work. but i also don't listen to what people say.

Anónimo dijo...

A mi tambien me gusta mezclar el marron con el negro, aunque la gente diga que no pega, somos unas incomprendidas :D
besos. paula

moded'amour dijo...

great outfit, and i love those pictures!

Zara dijo...

Nooo.. I LOVE brown and black. With my black hair, black-black-black just looks too harsh... nice to break it up a bit with something else. PS you look STUNNING with red lipstick. what brand/colour are you wearing?? xoxo

stephanie dijo...

agreed- there is NOTHING like the refreshing smell of the cold autumn air after the hot humid summer :)

love brown and black together and i swear to god, you could wear nothing i wouldn't like- you're gorgeous :)



ELLEN dijo...

Lovely outfit, i la-la-love that scarf

Posh & Silly dijo...

A mi tambien me encanta el comienzo del invierno, pero aqui estamos empezando el verano!

Pero bueno aprovecha que en el invierno lo mejor son los pantas de cuero...lo mas comodo y ponible que hay

Astrid dijo...

hello :) wanna exchange links?

Emy Augustus dijo...

yeah what a weird 'fashion don't'.
love these pics!!!

punky dijo...

Lovely blog!

Syed dijo...

Oh wow, I love your boots and socks dear :) That scarf looks so wonderful. Haha, I was about to say 'don't you love the smell of cold', but I thought it might sound odd - glad it's not just me!!

VanessasRunway dijo...

High-five* I always mix my colors up. Especially black & brown the two people hate to mix but I like you like a bit of brown to add some softness to the black. ;)

Brown and Cappuccino dijo...

love this scarf and boots :)

the weather in Portugal it´s also strange... sometimes sun (35º) othertimes cold (13º)... I want summer days pleaseeeeeeeeeee

kiss from Portugal*******


Unknown dijo...

That door is super cool! As is the girl sitting in front of it.

I always mix black and brown together. Same with navy and brown. I think it looks fine. Sometimes fashion rules like that annoy me. I can wear what I want! Anyway - your scarf is amazing. The weather in NZ is cold too. Brrrr.

the Eccentric Kay dijo...

yea everybody commented on the 4th girls hair. it was wickedly beautiful.
as for the brown/black match up. i think it looks great.

Vanessa dijo...

i totally agree, people should consider black and brown together more... it's not as bad as it sounds! :)

Nika dijo...

well it's a style DO, you look great!

Stain On My Red Shoes dijo...

i am with you! black goes together with brown. i especially like the way you combine the two. the striped socks breaks the two colors. your boots make me drool!

moded'amour dijo...

i gave you an award!

Jen dijo...

Black and brown is one of my favorite color combos to wear, though I don't own a lot of brown. I used to think it was a no-no until I lived in France, and no one there thinks twice about it!

I adore those boots!

Laura Mullins dijo...

thank you!! haha i can definitely relate... shoes often fit me oddly. oh well, on to the next pair! (: