jueves, 7 de enero de 2010


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I've been having an amazing time in Miami, that's why i haven't been online much.

One thing that's different from the other times i've been here it's the weather. I'm (and i bet everyone else here) used to much warmer weather, even in January. Hopefully it'll warm up in the next few days, i didn't bring four bikinis for nothing!

The positive side though it's that i got to do lots of shopping without feeling guilty about missing out on the great weather Miami's known for.

I've added a bunch of pics on our (Pat and me) flickr account :)

Noise+Silence jeans; Forever 21 hoodie.


El frío está haciendo estragos por todo Estados Unidos, y Miami no se quedó afuera. Con temperaturas con las que en Buenos Aires andaría abrigada con bufanda, tapado y botas, acá estoy sólo con una camperita porque me rehuso a creer que esta ciudad se merece este clima.

El lado positivo es que no me siento culpable y puedo comprar tranquila, sin estar pensando el tremendo día que me estoy perdiendo por estar encerrada recorriendo locales. Todo tiene un lado bueno, no?

15 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

i miss you girl.

well have fun in Miami.
You and pat are always soooo cute.

I am Denise Katipunera

M dijo...

I currently in love with hoodie and i really like yours. And lovely sunnies btw :)

ediot dijo...

hi dear. im glad youre not updating too much-because that means youre having a good time no?!
off to check out your flickr and dream that im in miami too.. i sure wouldve wanted to be there.. take care and i hope you get to wear your bikinis soon! xx ediot

Iulia Romana dijo...

Lovely photos.And Pat's tatoos are great!

nicole dijo...

yehhh i live in melbourne and it's been like in the low 50s for most of the week. i hope it does warm up so you can go to the beach :) hahh

Eliani dijo...

el tiempo es tan inesperado,lo bueno es que ello puede variar lo planeado y hacer que todo sea más espontáneo . :) Lindas fotos.

NBeteck dijo...

I love how he is walking past "Do not enter", as if he is entering it =D!

Sara dijo...

Me encanta tu blog! La verdad es que yo pasé un invierno en Nueva York y el frio aprieta por estas fechas en todos los Estados Unidos jaja.
Te sigo!
Gracias por pasarte :)

Morning Glory dijo...

I'm about to go down to Florida on Monday for work, and I'm praying that the weather stays cool (I hate the heat and humidity). I'm glad that you guys are having a great time! By the way Pat looks great with short hair!!

Patricia Ann dijo...

I hope you're having a fabulous time there! I know it's pretty much winter now but hopefully you've found a pool that's heated. :)

Can't wait to see the rest of the photos from your trip!

Claudet dijo...

great photos! :-)

Brown and Cappuccino dijo...

amazing sunset picture :)

Kiss from Portugal and have a nice week***


Andrea dijo...


Diana dijo...

I can't imagine Miami in none bikini weather! Looks like you had fun!

missDTM dijo...

you guys are so cute...love the pics!