lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010


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Two movie nights in a row! YAY! I love watching movies, and i rather go see them at a theater than watch them on dvd. I don't know, i just like the whole idea of 'going to the movies'. We went to see 'Shutter Island' and even though i spent over half of the movie covering my eyes in case anything weird came up, i really really liked it. I don't do scary movies, and i know this one isn't scary, but the whole time i was just waiting for something to happen.

Anyways, i'm absolutely loving these jeans at the moment. I have other pairs of BDGs, for some reason everytime i buy jeans i end up buying BDGs, but these are just so comfortable, and the wash is just perfect. I also bought them in a lighter wash, which i've been wearing a lot since the last days of summer went by. Oh, that reminds me, happy spring everyone (or fall, wherever you are!). The cool part of living on the other side of the hemisphere is that i get a lot of inspiration for the next season in advance, so i can't wait to see what everyone's been saving for the warmer seasons.

I was thinking about doing a beauty post. I'm not too big on make-up, but i bought a couple of things while i was in Miami that i've been really happy with the results. Still thinking about it!

Urban Outfitters tee; BDG jeans; Prüne shoes.


Después de quejarme públicamente de que ni Pat ni yo tenemos tiempo en la semana, aprovechamos las pocas horas que quedaban del domingo para ir a ver 'Shutter Island' o 'La isla siniestra'. Bien, la recomiendo mucho, y eso que yo no soy de esas películas. Basta con aclarar que me pasé más de la mitad de las dos horas tapándome media cara sólo por si aparecía algún sujeto horrible en la pantalla. Me di cuenta, o bue, ya lo sabía, que disfruto muchísimo más de ver una película en el cine, que en dvd. Me copa la experiencia de 'ir al cine' y todo lo que involucra, elegir los asientos -la anteúltima fila, siempre-, comer porquerías, comentar los trailers, comentar sobre la gente que va entrando. Es genial.

19 comentarios:

A Stylized Hysteria dijo...

Your mouth was made for red lipstick! You look fantastic. And I'm drooling over the shoes.

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) dijo...

Those shoes are KILLER! Where might I find them online?

M dijo...

love the outfit. your shoes and make up are fantastic! btw, i watched Shutter Island last night too and i end up as 'lost' as Leonardo ;) the movies was fantastic though

missDTM dijo...

those heels are TO DIE FOR! love them. so cute with the jeans and tee.

do a beauty post!!!! yay!

Anónimo dijo...

Well your article helped me very much in my college assignment. Hats off to you dispatch, will look audacious in behalf of more interrelated articles promptly as its one of my favourite question to read.

Damsels dijo...

the results are great ! you look totally put together with those red lips ... and god i love your shoes

ediot dijo...

hi dear. i understand.the jeans look great on yoU! and you wear red lips so well! those shoes are magnificent- wish they were mine.

i love how nice it is to go watch a movie. me and my boyfriend usually watch a movie every night or one of our favourite tv shows..(office-seinfeld or american dad/family guy)

hope youre having a lovely week so far.

xx ediot


i have this tee in red :)

Anónimo dijo...

de que trabajas? deberias hacerte un

Anónimo dijo...

i really enjoy all your posting taste, very useful,
don't give up as well as keep writing due to the fact that it simply just well worth to look through it,
looking forward to see alot more of your content articles, have a good one :)

Anónimo dijo...

i looooove those shoes! adore, adore, adore. xo

Vanessa dijo...

sick shoes! love them

the Eccentric Kay dijo...

i agree shoes are freakin AMAZING!

Unknown dijo...

Good lord those shoes are just the ticket! They are so amazing, Sol.

hannah dijo...

that is the perfect outfit in my opinion. you look amazing! love the lipstick too!

Mode Junkie dijo...

can you hand me those shoes sol? asap? they´re RAD/FIERCE/COOL! take a pick!


Egle Z. dijo...

I love going to the movies too! And i also liked Shutter Island. I somehow thought it would be a gangster movie with scorsese and di caprio which I almost never enjoy but it was really good. Love the heels too!
and P.S. congrats ;)

Nana MoonDancer dijo...

i looove it<3

Anónimo dijo...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.