sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


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I've been practically living in these boots lately. I bought them while i was in Miami, and they were around $20. At that moment i had already bought two pairs of heels, two pairs of boots and a couple of flat sandals, so another pair of footwear was the last thing i needed. Thing was, i couldn't resist the price! But it ended up being a successful buy after all, because i've been giving them a lot of use lately.

Also pictured is my new bag. My parents got it for me for my birthday and i've been carrying it everyday for over a week now!

I feel like i get attached to things, like a pair of shoes, a bag or a jacket, and wear them for a week (or more) straight. Then i realize i might be "killing it" so i leave it alone for a while.

Oh remember how i said i was getting sick of my hair a few weeks ago? I got some unnoticeable highlights, which i'm liking so far because they're not that... (like i said) noticeable.

Forever 21 jacket; Silence+Noise jeans; Gap long-sleeve; Como quieres que te quiera shirt; cheap boots from Marshall's; Prüne bag.


Me pasa, generalmente cuando tengo algo nuevo, que me agarra como un apego indisoluble para con esa prenda, lo que hace que la use una semana seguida, o más. Después siento que la estoy "quemando" y la dejo, para volver a usarla en esporádicas ocasiones.

Me está pasando eso con estas botas que compré en Miami. En el momento que las vi, ya llevaba comprados dos pares de botas, dos de zapatos y dos de sandalias bajitas. O sea que otro calzado, cualquiera fuere su clasificación era lo que menos necesitaba. Pero estaban a un precio que no me pude resistir. Me conformo convenciéndome de que terminó siendo una buena compra, si tenemos en cuenta el uso que les estoy dando y a qué precio estarían acá.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010


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The last couple of days have been crazy. Ups and downs crazy.

I've got some new stuff that i got for my birthday that i couldn't wait to start wearing. I got this cardigan from Pat's parents, and i just fell in love with it. I've never been much into ruffles but i couldn't resist these. And it's incredibly soft, i just really love it.

Also first time trying out the socks and shoes combo. Liking it so far.

For those who can read Spanish, Pat started his own blog: SeanBienvenidos.

PS. I feel like i need a new spot for taking pictures...

Akiabara cardigan; Silence+Noise jeans; Forever 21 long-sleeve; Target socks; Steve Madden shoes.


Estos últimos días fueron una locura.

Recibí varias cosas nuevas para mi cumpleaños y no pude esperar más de unos días para empezar a usarlo. Este cardigan de Akiabara es una de ellas. Nunca me copé mucho con la onda de los volados, pero estos eran el detalle perfecto para rematar la prenda. No me pude resistir!

Para aquellos interesados en las andanzas de un joven más que sorprendente, les recomiendo SeanBienvenidos.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


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Love love love the fact that it's getting colder! It rained for the first three days of the week, but i didn't mind it. The fact that i can do more than one layer per outfit makes me happy.

It was my birthday on Tuesday. Very low-key celebration; i had a regular Tuesday, but i started the day with a very special present: breakfast gift from my parents. How not to have a good day when it starts like this?

Outfit from Wednesday. On my birthday i felt like my favorite fabrics and pieces: jeans and plain white cotton tee.

BDG jeans; Forever 21 cardigan; Old Navy long-sleeve tee; boots from Marshall's.


¿Alguien más está disfrutando de las repentinas bajas temperaturas de estos días o soy yo sola? No se, yo me conformo con poder usar saquitos y mangas largas, aunque todavía espero para sacar las medias y abrigos más pesados.

El martes fue mi cumpleaños. Tuve un día más que normal, aunque con un detalle matutino que marcó un buen comienzo.

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010


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This weekend went by so fast, i can't believe it's Monday, again. Pat got really sick yesterday, so he's staying in bed for the next few days. Luckily, we were planning on celebrating my birthday on Saturday, so i hope he feels better soon.

We went to one of my favorite places on Saturday, it's a few blocks away and they have some of the most delicious cakes i've ever tasted. Pat had a parma ham, provolone cheese and dried tomatoes sandwich in an olive bread, and i had a (huge) slice of nut-brownie cake with a layer of dulce de leche and topped with meringue (hope that's the right word, had to look it up). Doesn't it look delicious?

On a side note, someone asked me about the necklaces that i wear everyday. If you pay attention, you'll see i wear them almost everyday. One of them is a cross that my grandmother gave me as a present when i finished middle school, so i've had it for quite some time. The other one i got it… i think it was last year, if not the year before that, and it's a long chain with a 'P' (for Pat), and i added the 'promise' ring Pat and i had until we got engaged. It has a '23' engraved on the inside, since it's our lucky number.

Complot jeans; Akiabara wrap; Paula Cahen d'Anvers tank; Nine West boots.


Pf, otra vez lunes! Se aproxima mi cumpleaños. Ya se, me pongo hiper densa en esta fecha. Por un lado quiero que todos sepan que es mi cumpleaños, pero por otro lado detesto si me cantan el 'Feliz cumpleaños' en grupo y voz alta, o si todos los meseros de un restaurant rodean mi mesa esperando que pida tres deseos y sople la velita.

El sábado, antes de que Pat cayera en cama, fuimos a Nucha, lugar de tortas ricas si los hay. Él pidió un sandwich de jamón crudo, queso provolone y tomates secos en pan de aceitunas, y yo (que me tira lo dulce), una torta de brownie con nuez, dulce de leche y merengue…dejo que las imágenes hablen por si solas.

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

As you are.

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Someone asked what i wanted for my birthday on my last post. I never ask for something specific, i rather be surprised with what others picked up for me, but this year i had eyed these beautiful pair of black patent leather ankle boots with wooden platform and heel that i've seen in a couple of magazines. So, yesterday i went to get them, as an early birthday present, and seems like they're "sold out everywhere". I should see the positive side, right? Maybe i'll be able to get them when they're on sale, and save a few bucks.

On a side note i'm going through a really weird phase with my hair, i'm regretting cutting it, wondering if i should get bangs again, or if i should jump on the two-toned wave...

I've got some HUGE news regarding my personal life, but i'm keeping it to myself for the moment because i don't wanna jinx it. But stay tuned, once it's done, i'll be sharing it with everyone.

Forever 21 plaid shirt (similar); Forever 21 long-sleeve tee; BDG Cigarette jeans; Nine West ankle boots.


En uno de los últimos posts, cuando mencioné que era mi cumpleaños, alguien me preguntó qué quería. No soy de pedir nada, prefiero que cada uno elija lo que pueda y quiera. Si soy de ir a cambiar cualquier tipo de regalo que me den, sólo para ver si hay alguna otra cosa que me gustaría más. Por suerte ya todos lo saben y nadie se ofende.

Este año si tenía algo para pedir a aquellos que acongojados en el "sos difícil de regalar" vienen año tras año a preguntarme qué quiero. Hace unos días ojeando la revista de La Nación, vi lo que quería: unas botas cortas negras con taco y plataforma de madera de Vitamina. Típico para mi, están agotadas en todos los locales, según me dijo la vendedora, a lo que agregó que no iban a volver a entrar. Si alguien las ve por ahí, rondando por alguno de los locales de Vitamina, me avisa.

martes, 6 de abril de 2010


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Random pictures from last weekend. To make up for the absence.


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Sorry for the long absence. I wanted to take full advantage of last week because of the long weekend. How was everyone's Easter? Mine was full of chocolate eggs and yummy food. Made it a little harder to realize that all of a sudden Monday came along (along with an exam), but Mondays are Mondays, right?

Haven't been wearing nothing really exciting. I've been literally living in these BDGs (these and the darker wash ones). But it seems like my wishes may be coming true because the past few days the weather has been kinda cooler. I must be the only one excited for that.

My birthday's coming up next week and i'm really excited. It may sound weird but i like odd numbers much more than even numbers.

Old Navy jacket; BDG Skinny jeans; Old Navy top; Nine West shoes.


¿Soy la única a la que le vino bien que refrescara un poco? Seguramente. Muchos deben estar lamentándose por tener que empezar a sacar sus saquitos y botas, pero yo estoy más que encantada.

No quiero adelantarme, pero esta semana perfila como una buena. Quizá la mejor del año (ahí me estaría adelantando bastante). El martes que viene es mi cumpleaños; me divierte cuando cumplo números impares.