martes, 6 de abril de 2010


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Sorry for the long absence. I wanted to take full advantage of last week because of the long weekend. How was everyone's Easter? Mine was full of chocolate eggs and yummy food. Made it a little harder to realize that all of a sudden Monday came along (along with an exam), but Mondays are Mondays, right?

Haven't been wearing nothing really exciting. I've been literally living in these BDGs (these and the darker wash ones). But it seems like my wishes may be coming true because the past few days the weather has been kinda cooler. I must be the only one excited for that.

My birthday's coming up next week and i'm really excited. It may sound weird but i like odd numbers much more than even numbers.

Old Navy jacket; BDG Skinny jeans; Old Navy top; Nine West shoes.


¿Soy la única a la que le vino bien que refrescara un poco? Seguramente. Muchos deben estar lamentándose por tener que empezar a sacar sus saquitos y botas, pero yo estoy más que encantada.

No quiero adelantarme, pero esta semana perfila como una buena. Quizá la mejor del año (ahí me estaría adelantando bastante). El martes que viene es mi cumpleaños; me divierte cuando cumplo números impares.

4 comentarios:

ediot dijo...

hellO lovey. ive missed you. the jeans looks great- i can see how youve worn those a lot!
what are you wishing for -for your

xx ediot
now at

Lily dijo...

Hello gorgeous! :) me encantan esas sandalias! me hacen acordar a las sandalias de plataforma de chanel que usa Mary Kate! se deben ver divinas con medias negras!
te mando un beso!

Ana, Playground Love dijo...

I love the shoes, and the outfit is great too!

Cindy Van Dyck dijo...

Fabulous look!