domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010


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As much as i was craving for winter and layers, i love that days are starting to feel a bit longer. That means spring is around the corner, and before i notice it, i'll be wearing dresses and shorts again. Well, cold weather doesn't stop me when i feel like wearing shorts…

I thank myself for impulsively buying these boots after my mom refused to buy a pair of Doc Martens while she was in London. It was around that time when DMs were making a come back, and i was urging for a pair of similar pair. So when i saw these, i couldn't resist, and i haven't regretted buying them because i've worn them so much that it justifies me randomly splurging on them.

Forever 21 leather jacket; Forever 21 hoodie; Como quieres que te quiera shirt; Paula Cahen d'Anvers cut-offs; Paula Cahen d'Anvers boots; Prüne bag.

Bonus track Pat's outfit: Heritage 1981 leather jacket; Garçon García shirt; Ay Not Dead jeans; Adidas shoes; Ray Ban Wayfarers.


Me pasa que cuando se está terminando una estación, empiezo a querer que llegue la próxima. Cuando era invierno, y estaba harta de las altísimas temperaturas a las que nos tiene acostumbrados el verano en Buenos Aires, esperaba con ansias que empiece el invierno. Ahora que el invierno ya pasó la mitad de camino, me copa sentir que los días se alargan y que la noche tarda más en llegar. Eso implica que dentro de poco va a aparecer la primavera, y podré usar vestidos y pantalones cortos otra vez. Aunque si tengo ganas de usar shorts, lo voy a hacer igual, independientemente del clima…

No me arrepiento ni un poco de haber comprado compulsivamente estas botas. Para aquella época, las Doc Martens estaban volviendo a ser tendencia, y yo estaba en la búsqueda desesperada de algo similar a ellas (después de que mi mamá se negó a traérmelas de Londres). Así que cuando vi estas, no me pude resistir, tanto que me las llevé igual a pesar de que son un número más grande. La cosa es que las usé tanto que se justifica totalmente haber gastado impulsivamente en ese momento.

9 comentarios:

Nadia Martell dijo...

puxa tienes suerte en Lima no hay primaveras ni otoños asii q tengo que esperar muxo mas.

ediot dijo...

ah darling your blog is getter better every time i enter- its insane!!
love the outfit youre sporting- especially crave for that shirt of yours. i wish spring was around the corner. i want summer and spring all year long...
wishing you a wonderful week ahead


HAYLEY dijo...

Those are some great Docs! Definitely worth the splurge.


Fashion Cappuccino dijo...

Great outfit!! I really love your lether jacket!! xoxoxoxoo

missDTM dijo...

you look so cute! it's so funny how different the seasons are where you're from vs nyc!

Anónimo dijo...

You two look like the perfect fashion model couple- love it!!!

Anónimo dijo...

i love the whole black outfit combination with the pup of blue :)

Cars dijo...

Wow, layers! I'd kill to wear layers right now. I've had enough heat, thank you. BTW, you look awesome!

Zara dijo...

love those boots, everytime i see them i think they are dr martens so your urges must be fulfilled! pat's looking very dapper in that outfit, he does casual cool very well :)
