martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


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Everyone must be tired of summer (and others must be sad that's already over), but i'm really loving the warmer weather we're getting these days.

Pat and i are so busy during the weekdays that we try to get out on weekends and enjoy both of the free time we have.

Last Sunday we went to Puerto Madero. For everyone who hasn't been in Buenos Aires, it's one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in the city. It's filled with restaurants where you can sit down, have a great meal while enjoying a gorgeous view.

I love modern architecture, and Puerto Madero is known for its modern city landscape. There're a few older buildings and constructions that are still there, which i love because they make a great contrast with the newer ones.

Of course it couldn't be a complete post without part of the food we indulged in. So enjoy!

Jazmin Chebar blazer; OU tee; BDG jeans; random flats.


Todos en el hemisferio norte deben estar podridos del calor, y muchos otros deben estar tristes de que el verano haya terminado. Yo particularmente estoy disfrutando muchísimo del clima que estuvimos teniendo en estos últimos días.

Pat y yo estamos tan ocupados en la semana que tratamos de salir los fines de semana y aprovechar el tiempo libre que tenemos.

El domingo fuimos a Puerto Madero. Para los que no estuvieron en Buenos Aires, es uno de los barrios más lindos de la ciudad. Está lleno de lugarcitos para comer mientras se disfruta de la hermosísima vista.

Soy amante de lo moderno, entre ellos, la arquitectura, así que es uno de mis lugares preferidos para apreciar todos los edificios que se construyeron en los últimos años. Todavía quedan algunas construcciones antiguas, que sirven de contraste con las más nuevas.

23 comentarios:

ELLEN dijo...

Looks lovely, great pictures!

ELLEN dijo...

Looks lovely, great pictures!

electric feel dijo...

freaks me out that summer is over here in germany...;(

great pics, love your Paris tee!

Nana MoonDancer dijo...

lovelt place<3
i really like your blazer
so chic!

ChiaVMF dijo...

Love the food! Siempre comes en lugares donde la comida parece un arte, muero x ir a probarla con mi novio...nice blazer by the way :)

Emily and Abigail dijo...

Gorgeous photos.. and we're lust lust lusting that jacket!!

Unknown dijo...

I was listening to BOB - Airplanes while reading your blog and it was amazing seeing the perfect blue sky! behind all your pictures. The last picture of the salad looks very delicious


интересно пишете1))

Laura Mullins dijo...

that place looks so cool!!! wow. and i love your jacket; it's really cool. this post makes me hungry! haha

Anónimo dijo...

Your pictures almost look surreal. The quality is amazing. I love the jacket you have on.

Jooh dijo...

Que hermoso blazer! :)

Brown and Cappuccino dijo...

nice jacket and lovelly pictures :)

kiss from Portugal***

Brown and Cappuccino

NBeteck dijo...

youre name Sol, does that mean something? Oh and also, what is the big dish of brown that you are eating?
These pictures are great, When I picture south america, I dont picture all of these buildings, so thanks for showing us that side!

Anónimo dijo...

lovely outfit

Dreaming Alba dijo...

Que hambre me ha entrado al ver tus fotos, que buena pinta tiene toda la comida :)

Por cierto, he estrenado mi blog y seria para mi un placer que te pasaras a echarle un vistazo:

1 beso!

havuz dijo...

This is the space dedicated to our conversations, debates, arguments and much more. Basically this is our “discussion table”.

peruk dijo...

tahnk you very much

prefabrik dijo...

this is very good

fotoğrafçı dijo...

ı love ths

çocuk montu dijo...

thank you man

toptan takım elbise dijo...

oo great! thanks

maç özeti ve golleri dijo...

oo well done!

Agnes in Wonderland dijo...

Great dotted jacket :) The photos of a city are impressive