miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009

Hot heat.

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We all love warm weather. Especially when we don't have it. It's easier to dress, everyone seems happier, there's something about it that makes everything more likable. But when it starts to get too hot, that's when the problem starts. It's been really hard dressing to beat the heat. With 90-something degrees (i bet many are envying me) it's almost impossible not to feel like you're melting. I know i'm gonna regret this at mid-July, but i so want winter to come.

Today's my dad's birthday; i'm off to celebrate with friends & family!


El clima está imposible. Todo el que esté cerca de donde estoy yo, sabrá de lo que hablo. Es difícil vestirse en días como estos, y fácil sentir cómo cada prenda que te ponés se te pega al cuerpo y empieza a derretirse. Seguramente me arrepienta de esto a mitad de año, pero creo que ya estoy lista para el invierno.

Paula Cahen D'Anvers knit dress; Rapsodia white denim skirt; old belt; Nine West shoes; Forever 21 necklaces & bracelet; old silver bracelet.

10 comentarios:

Elena dijo...

Your shoes are absolutely perfect! I have the flat ones but I always wanted to buy these ones as well!

Elizabeth dijo...

I am envying you right now. :]
it was so cold today here I could hardly stand it!
I absolutly adore your outfit, everything about it is perfect!

Lesley dijo...

I want your shoes! :-)

Stephanie dijo...

I totally know how you feel! I love the warmth of the spring and the cool breeze of the fall so basically May and September are my favourite months! But right now in the dead of winter I wish it was spring and come July and August when its so humid (as you feel right now) I just start wishing it was winter.

I love your style- am linking you ;)

Nia dijo...

thank you darling!
our posts seem to be polar opposites LOL.
i'm used to the cold by now, we had one of the coldest winters ever, it was -30C to -50C for almost all of january!!! terribly cold. i hate it, but i'm used to it.
i'm linking you on my blog, youre too pretty!!

Elizabeth Victoria Clark dijo...

I'm so envious of your weather!
Believe me... anything is better than the snow we're getting here in Toronto! I'm dreaming of short skirts and sandals haha.

Demi dijo...

thank you very much, honey :)

ooh I love this outfit! I love how you had a plain white dress and then added loads of rockin' accesories in black and silver!
those shoes are gorgeous!


LYNN and HORST dijo...

nice shoes

HoneyBunny dijo...

I love the whole outfit! you look gorgeous! I loooove the shoes:) I want the summer..I loove the heat;D

ediot dijo...

great dress