sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011


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A much needed weekend has arrived. I'm really looking forward for next week, it's a short week due to upcoming holidays, so I can't wait to have some free time.

It was a regular saturday for Pat and I. Got up late, had breakfast, then lunch and wondered around the city. Summer's definitely here, and I can't be happier.

Oh, and I got my bangs back.

Gap tank; Lupe denim shorts.


Por fin llegó el tan esperado fin de semana. Qué alegría me da saber que la semana que viene tiene dos días libres, lo que significa tiempo libre para disfrutar.

Nuestra rutina de sábado fue levantarnos tarde, desayunar, almorzar y recorrer la ciudad. Por fin se siente el clima de verano, no podría hacerme más feliz.

¡Ah, y tengo flequillo de nuevo!

2 comentarios:

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) dijo...

I would love to be enjoying summer weather right now, especially in a cute tank like that!

Unknown dijo...

Hi Sol! Isn't summer great?! I've been enjoying it as well. And you look beautiful as always. Love the relaxed weekend outfit.