miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011


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*The cutest guy in every town.

So sorry for the lack of updates last week. The wedding planning is taking all of the free time i have on my hands at the moment.

Over the weekend we went to visit Pat's brother, who lives a 5-hour drive away from where we live. Didn't get the chance to take a lot of pictures as i had planned. We only spent a day there, so all we did was lay by the pool, eat a lot and enjoy being away from the city.

Lupe shorts; Gap tee; Como quieres que te quiera belt Gap sandals; Forever 21 necklace.


Me disculpo por la falta de actualizaciones la semana pasada. Cada minuto libre que tengo, lo ocupo con alguna actividad relacionada al casamiento y su organización.

El fin de semana fuimos a visitar al hermano de Pat, que vive en Córdoba. Fui con la idea de sacar miles de fotos, pero logré volver con unas pocas. Sólo estuvimos un día, así que todo lo que hicimos fue meternos a la pileta, comer mucho y disfrutar el estar lejos de la ciudad.

8 comentarios:

Sol dijo...

Muy lindo outfit, bien casual y relajado. Me encantaron los collares superpuestos! me dan mucha onda!

Sol dijo...

*le dan mucha onda, quise decir!!

Laura Mullins dijo...

wedding planning is craaaazaay! if you can even begin to imagine this: we planned my sister's wedding in one month. it was terrible haha.

anyway, i actually came to your blog to ask a bit of advice! i'm looking at taking a couple of spanish classes in buenos aires next summer (2012). do you have any recommendations for schools or areas that would be good to live? i'm going to talk with the people in our study abroad office tomorrow, but i'm getting really excited. since you live there, i thought it would be good to ask!

Shevah dijo...

You have gorgeous hair! Love these photos!


Laura Mullins dijo...

thanks for commenting back about buenos aires! i pushed my meeting back a bit, but i'll let you know what the people have to say (:

Nana MoonDancer dijo...

such a chic outfit
really nice photos
sunny weather! that's the life
lovin' it all

ediot dijo...

ahh i wish it was that warm out so i could just walk around in shorts. but now.. it's minus degrees all the time.. don't like that at all


Annasui dijo...

I feel kind of silly asking this, but I don't remember and seem to not being able to find it. When are you getting married? Are you going to reveal some wedding details?