Today was the first day of the week i left the house, well, except for yesterday afternoon when the fact that being sick for the past four days was driving me insane and i manage to go out for a while do some shopping. That's right, i leave the house for like an hour and come back with a knitted wrap thing and a pair of jeans. Yes, i did it again. Even though after buying four pairs of jeans on the same store back in January, i swore i wouldn't buy another pair for the rest of the year (a bit harsh, i know). Well, that didn't go so well when i got the black skinny jeans i've been wearing lately, but that was a gift exchange, so it didn't qualify as buying... technically.
After seeing all these light wash denim around, both in blogs and on celebrities, i gave in when i walked into a store and saw these (see pictures). I know light wash denim is characteristic of spring/summer, but who says i can't wear them on cold weather seasons too? And being the casual dresser that i am, i could never have too many jeans, right? Having deceived myself with the answers to these questions, i totally gave in. What i love about the most about the wash of these is that it's really really light, and they almost look like they are white. And what i love the least about them (and this it's my fault) is that i went down a whole size so they wouldn't stretch out, which i hope they do now... at list a bit so i can sit down comfortably.
PS. Thanks for the 'get well soon' messages. I'm feeling a lot better today :)
Complot jeans; Forever 21 tee; Gap scarf; Converse shoes.
Hace unos meses caí en la tentación y compré cuatro jeans. No sólo el mismo día, sino que en el mismo local. No se preocupen, no gasté un dineral, eran precios totalmente razonables, y justificados (al menos eso me dije a mi misma). Creo que es una de las primeras veces en mi vida que alterno entre todos los pares de jeans que tengo. Y eso, banalidad o no, me hace feliz.
Después de ese día, prometí que iba a intentar abstenerme a los jeans, que con esos era suficiente. Todo iba bien, hasta que ayer pasaba por Complot y me crucé con este (ver fotos). La web está inundada de jeans claritos, en blogs o en celebrities, y por más que los lavados claros se asocian con el verano, no me pude resistir.